Banks run amok, take over small countries and the
political systems of bigger countries.
The banksters and the Central Banksters can create
fake money and abet theft and charge it to their
political slaves' accounts, but countries have to
use austerity to cut back on their expenditure.
When a small country is taken over, the politicians,
this time, it's a mix of local dupes, bankers and
Brussels Sprockets,
[ficken Sie gut? Brussels installs fornicating machine in Dublin]
will institute a formal sounding body whose main
purpose is to see that the take over of banks,
country, hearts and minds sticks. and to steal some
more money and smooth out liquidity "bumps."
Call it Troika, call it NAMA, call it ECB...
The chin music is the same:
"bad country!"
"bad citizen!"
"you deserve what you get"
"you have to restore your country's pride"
NAMA in Ireland, sounds like Mama, but
it's more Orwellian than Orwell.
checkit: 1
NAMA threatens injunction against namawinelake blog
April 30, 2013 by namawinelake
Well, the surprise is, it took them so long!
This evening, communication has been received from Hayes Solicitors, acting on behalf of NAMA, threatening that unless a commitment is given not to publish the table referred to in this blogpost, then NAMA will seek “injunctive relief” to prevent such publication. The table referred to in the blogpost on John Fraher’s affidavit purports to show 103 loans with the name of the borrower which in some cases is an individual or group of individuals and in others is a company or business. Each of 103 loans shows “Full due diligence nominal value local currency” and “final acquisition value, euro” or in layman’s terms what appears to be the par value of the loan and the NAMA valuation. Remember NAMA has acquired €74bn of loans at par value and paid 43c in the euro on average, or €32bn in total.
2 Nicholas Shaxson:
02 2013
capture of tax haven Ireland: “the bankers, hedge funds got virtually
everything they wanted”
Financial Times is carrying an important and fascinating story about the tax
haven of Ireland. It focuses on a particular issue which is dear to my heart,
and the subject of a whole chapter of Treasure Islands.
is, at heart, a story about how small financial centres become entirely
‘captured’ by financial services interests, with the deliberate removal of
democratic checks and balances and carte blanche given to financial services
interests to write laws in secret. This is exactly why I call offshore the
‘smoke-filled room,’ where gentleman arrange the world’s financial affairs over
cognac and cigars.
the ‘Ratchet’ chapter of Treasure Islands I compared Delaware’s Big Bang of
1981 with another episode in the British tax haven of Jersey a decade later,
and discovered a remarkable, even astonishing similarity between the two. I
would boil that down to three words: the Captured Financial State. And that is
exactly, precisely what has happened in tax haven after tax haven. Cyprus, it
turns out, was exactly the same: see here (and take a look at this astonishing
and telling picture here.) And now the FT is reporting exactly, precisely the
same thing in Ireland.
you had time, a read (or re-read) of the “Ratchet” chapter in Treasure Islands
will provide the necssary background. Then take a look at this latest, from the
FT, discussing a meeting in November 2011 of top civil servants with top
officials from the financial sector, amid painful austerity:
They met under the auspices of the “Clearing
House”, a secretive group of financial industry executives, accountants and
public servants formed in 1987 to promote Dublin as a financial hub.
sentence will ring alarm bells with anyone who’s read the “Ratchet” chapter.
But there’s more.
The participants thrashed out 21 separate
taxation and legal incentives sought by the financial industry at the meeting,
which took place in room 308 in the prime ministers’ offices.
. . .
“The lobbying was done in secret behind
closed doors,” says Nessa Childers, an Irish member of the European parliament,
who got minutes of the meeting using freedom of information laws last year.
“The bankers and hedge fund industry got virtually everything they asked for
while the public got hit with a number of austerity measures”.
you have it. The minutes of the meetings, along with a statement from Childers,
are provided by Childers here. The last sentence epitomises the captured
financial state. For more details on how Ireland got captured, see this special
report for TJN’s Financial Secrecy Index.
take a look at what happened in Cyprus. The very same phenomenon, in different
form. It’s just the same in Jersey. And in Delaware. And the same, in more
diluted forms, in Switzerland, the United States, and the UK.
is what’s happening, all over the world. Anyone wanting to understand the
offshore phenomenon needs to understand: this is what it is all about.