which of these two phenomena are you witnessing?
it depends on your income level.
it's a tale of two cities.
In one city, the citizens have had no growth for 40 years.
Their paychecks have stayed almost constant while inflation
has gone up massively.
They have made up for the shortfall by using credit to buy
Before the 2008 crisis, they were overleveraged with a huge
mortgage and probably credit cards maxed.
Now, they're deleveraging. Selling the house and moving into
the car. pawning granny and most of the junk they piled into
their houses, over the good years.
That means they're suffering deflation because their part of
the economy is suffering from falling prices, for assets like
houses (which they owe a ton of money on).
If you own capital, a company, a bank or are one of the
lazy rich, you're going through mild inflation because
you're offshoring your profits, so you don't waste your
money on public stuff like schools, that you don't use.
You've recently been given millions or billions by the
government to make it seem as if we have a strong
That means you're investing in whatever gives you a
return, so your inflating bubbles in real estate, the stock
market, and call girl (madame) fees. But you don't care because
you're flush with money. If you try to get the government
to pay for your losses due to inflation, you'll likely
cause a revolution, so be careful.
If you can't understand me, let Jim Rickards tell you.
He's at the 13:30 point in this video
Spool up the film, boys: