Thursday, 19 May 2011

2 types of fracking. both deadly

[Buffalo. 7 rigs at the same time]
1 hydraulic fracturing for gas deposits in areas of shale rock.

2 fractional reserve banking.

Let's compare them , shall we?:

fracking: borrow money to drill into the ground
frac banking: lend money to guys who drill into the ground

fracking: 1 in 30 chance of success.
frac banking: $1 in 30 is kept in the bank. 30:1 leverage (i.e debt to assets)

fracking: 2% methane gas in drinking water makes it undrinkable
frac banking: 2% of deposits withdrawn makes bank insolvent

fracking: pouring a bunch of toxic chemicals into a hole to find gas deposits
frac banking: pouring all your leveraged cash into hedge bets

fracking: digging under houses causes earthquakes
frac banking: sub-prime loans on houses causes market earthquakes

fracking: chemical stew causes nosebleeds, vom
frac banking: financial wizardry causes starvation, no vom to produce

fracking: no oversight means "go for it"
frac banking: no oversight means "go for it"

fracking: take no notice of complaints or lawsuits
frac banking: send complaints or lawsuits to Capitol Hill fixers

fracking: trying a hail mary to get what's there and isn't there
frac banking: trying a hail mary to get what's there and isn't there

fracking: providing fossil fuels for the "benefit" of the economy
frac banking: providing liquidity for the "benefit" of the economy