Just recently we had two or three coincidences that have led to changes in
investments, as I've been studying stuff from
Max Keiser and Zerohedge, and others,
and I want to write this stuff down to see if it makes sense.If you've been watching MaxKeiser.com, you know that precious metals
are something that people invest in when they have less faith in paper money.
Also, JP Morgan has, with the US government's permission,
manipulated the price of silver (and gold- leave that for later) for that reason.
To keep the value of money from collapsing.
But, everybody knows about the corrupt oligarchies
and their actions (see previous article- below)
so, there is really little confidence in paper money.
One day, last week, Osama Bin Laden gets 'killed'.
I don't care if he had been frozen in 2001, freeze-dried
or whatever, it's all the same. We'll never know the truth.
[I'm supposed to believe that they're watching it live, like a football game. However, it is true that Obama looked like he was gonna sh*t his pants there.]
But, everybody knows about the corrupt oligarchies
and their actions (see previous article- below)
so, there is really little confidence in paper money.
One day, last week, Osama Bin Laden gets 'killed'.
I don't care if he had been frozen in 2001, freeze-dried
or whatever, it's all the same. We'll never know the truth.

As we know, money is a confidence game.
The US dollar was recently at historical lows :
71 Euro cents, I believe,
just before the 'hit'
Zoom goes the dollar, up one cent (that's big).
But likely temporary: a dead cat bounce
or a dead Osama bounce.
[BTW, a complete dollar collapse is envisioned by many
in the next 2 years.
I think the US will do whatever it can, i.e. Apocalypse, to keep that from happening]
Catastrophe avoided, it's back to keeping those oil taps open.
Off to Libya for some decapitation!
By the way, for a large part of the US, the big joke is going to be:just before the 'hit'
Zoom goes the dollar, up one cent (that's big).
But likely temporary: a dead cat bounce
or a dead Osama bounce.
[BTW, a complete dollar collapse is envisioned by many
in the next 2 years.
I think the US will do whatever it can, i.e. Apocalypse, to keep that from happening]
Catastrophe avoided, it's back to keeping those oil taps open.
Off to Libya for some decapitation!
But then 3 other things happened that make me scratch my head:
1 Germany seizes the opportunity and starts rumours of Greece defaulting
(that means, Euro falls, dollar goes up, Germany exports more)
That's not so strange. I figured that out in my "sharks" story.
in the last week, to help the silver speculators like JPM, as opposed to real investors
(I don't know much more than that). See ZHedge or Keiser.
3 some unknown forces colluded & sold tons of silver or silver futures (SLV/FTE)
forcing the price down drastically.
The price was nearing $50 (because the dollar was falling as well), which is over JPM's
stock price.
The back story to this is Keiser's belief that JP Morgan's short bet on silver is that it will
stay below the JPM stock price. That's an investment vehicle?
Like "if it rains on Tuesday, you're a millionnaire". It sounds stupid, but who am I to say?
So, the whole thing shows to me:
1 the markets are manipulated
2 the US government/banksters/Fed will try any high school head-fake trick
3 that Max Keiser and his friends were getting ahead of themselves in shouting
'Silver is going to the moon', because the price jumped 84% last year and was up
50% this year. That's too hot. It's illogical, if folks aren't 'running wild in the streets'.
from different monied guys (even JPM) who saw a chance
to pump up the price and then dump/jump out, all at once. Ka-ching!
Keiser and Zerohedge saw nefarious collusion action,
which is true, but it could also be just
I've already said they would go for a war, with China
or Iran (Iran may happen soon).
Since then , though, they've essentially invaded Libya.
The usual market manipulation (called Devouring Countries) has not worked.
Their bankers have been fed Ireland and Portugal recently,
and that didn't help the dollar.
6 the US public loves this
1 Germany seizes the opportunity and starts rumours of Greece defaulting
(that means, Euro falls, dollar goes up, Germany exports more)
That's not so strange. I figured that out in my "sharks" story.
Stupid tricks.
2 the CME, which controls silver markets, changed its rules several timesin the last week, to help the silver speculators like JPM, as opposed to real investors
(I don't know much more than that). See ZHedge or Keiser.
3 some unknown forces colluded & sold tons of silver or silver futures (SLV/FTE)
forcing the price down drastically.
The price was nearing $50 (because the dollar was falling as well), which is over JPM's
stock price.
The back story to this is Keiser's belief that JP Morgan's short bet on silver is that it will
stay below the JPM stock price. That's an investment vehicle?
Like "if it rains on Tuesday, you're a millionnaire". It sounds stupid, but who am I to say?
So, the whole thing shows to me:
1 the markets are manipulated
2 the US government/banksters/Fed will try any high school head-fake trick
assassination, manipulation, money laundering
to keep the dollar from collapsing3 that Max Keiser and his friends were getting ahead of themselves in shouting
'Silver is going to the moon', because the price jumped 84% last year and was up
50% this year. That's too hot. It's illogical, if folks aren't 'running wild in the streets'.
Yes, there is a long-term bull market
Yes, there is a lot of fear about the US dollar
Yes, there is a lot of illegal bankster activity which will lead to a crash,
but not tomorrow.
There was probably lots of speculative money in the price of silver,Yes, there is a lot of fear about the US dollar
Yes, there is a lot of illegal bankster activity which will lead to a crash,
but not tomorrow.
from different monied guys (even JPM) who saw a chance
to pump up the price and then dump/jump out, all at once. Ka-ching!
Keiser and Zerohedge saw nefarious collusion action,
which is true, but it could also be just
some Ka-ching action.
actions in ONE and only one market,
can only be manipulation.
[although oil is falling precipitously- there's something going on there,too]
4 silver prices will recover, soon. it's now around $35 (the price from two weeks ago).[CORRECTION: It seems that the CME are a monopolistic group (see Harvey's)
using insider-trading to aid their own silver speculation, and so their rule changes
are largely responsible for the drop in price. It was
done for the CME's own insider purposes and probably for their buddies JPM, too.
As Jesse's Cafe said, just before this, the CME was facing implosion. Messy business.]
MK & ZH did a good job of explaining why such limitedusing insider-trading to aid their own silver speculation, and so their rule changes
are largely responsible for the drop in price. It was
done for the CME's own insider purposes and probably for their buddies JPM, too.
As Jesse's Cafe said, just before this, the CME was facing implosion. Messy business.]
actions in ONE and only one market,
can only be manipulation.
[although oil is falling precipitously- there's something going on there,too]
That's hardly a knock back into the Dark Ages.
but, was confidence in silver nirvana truly shaken?
If so, the US wins that battle.
5 Anticipation: what's the next trick the US will pull to save its bacon?but, was confidence in silver nirvana truly shaken?
If so, the US wins that battle.
I've already said they would go for a war, with China
or Iran (Iran may happen soon).
Since then , though, they've essentially invaded Libya.
The usual market manipulation (called Devouring Countries) has not worked.
Their bankers have been fed Ireland and Portugal recently,
and that didn't help the dollar.
6 the US public loves this
revenge/Marine/assassination/video game sh*t.
They now want Obama for 4 more years.
They now want Obama for 4 more years.
Obama bounce! Winning! Du-uh
a guy says-
"I was really happy when I heard that Osama was killed, but then I realised,
Obama is the president."* [works better with a hick accent]
That would make Eddie Murphy a kind of prophet, or just a realist.
And indeed lots of American's are THAT racist.
Look how much they've enjoyed 10 years of chasing and then killing
ONE brown guy (bin Laden). That's their foreign policy: kill brown folks.
(especially if they're squatting on America's oil)
Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Cuba, even New Orleans
(adopt a hick accent and say: 'might as well be foreign. no whites around.')
If you doubt this, look how they embarrassed Obama into showing his
birth certificate. Donald Trump, as a public figure, should know enough
not to ask for Obama's college degree too, but he won't stop.
Even a lot of plantation-mint julip drinking- whitey
whiter-than-a ghost news anchors are saying:
"he waited a long time."
"That created a lot of doubt & confusion"
"people might think it's fake"
[best said with a honky-nose accent]"That created a lot of doubt & confusion"
"people might think it's fake"
"some say, if you got nothing to hide..." [in a Bill O'Reilly accent]
It's really bad. To some, he's the leader of THE empire, to others.....[blank]
It's like when Dave Chapelle said, cops pull over an Afro American driver & say
[at 0:31]
"bend over, spread your cheeks and pull up your nut sack"
Many of those racists are the same ones challenging Obama's legitimacy,
the birthers:
Some of them can't get over the fact that their president isn't named:
John Smith, the Third, Junior or
George Bush, Junior
This explanation by Goldie Taylor is moving andGeorge Bush, Junior
a real kick in the head
for those who think that racism doesn't exist:
UPDATE: Just wanted to say that Karl Deninger of Market Ticker is a racist birther. He
taunted the President about 20 May. He should check into his own birth; not his certificate,
because he's invariably white, so nobody will check it. He should check the procedure that was used and I think he'll find that he was an ass-breach. Ass!
-Costick67 ~(8^P
* before anybody labels me, that joke is just a play on the fact that their names are similar, and that some hicks need to think hard to remember their president's name.
checkitout: Jesse's Cafe, the DAY BEFORE the CME attack
01 May 2011
Portrait of Desperation
The Comex is facing a default, and the powers that be are very nervous since it involves at least one of the TBTF monstrosities.
That does not mean it is going to happen, but with less than 12,000 contracts of silver left in the dealer category, it remains a distinct possibility unless prices go much higher to free up the inventory held by stronger hands.
Nine out of ten Americans might realize that dwindling supply coupled with growing demand tends to result in higher prices, or rationing and other methods of dampening demand, or all of the above. Well, maybe not that high a percentage of the people would notice, given these days of truthiness in thinking and the power of spin.
Perhaps there is some 'Plan B' to handle this growing scarcity of inventory. The only plans I am aware of from the exchange are forced settlements in cash or SLV.
Shock and awe in the thin Sunday night trade, running the stops of the new futures holders whose options were filled. Even more heavy handed and blatant than usual.
Run it up, and then smack it back down.
Take a letter, Ted...
Oh, and by the way Blythe, skip the histrionics. Stand and Deliver.
From Harvey Organ's Saturday commentary:
"The total open interest on the silver comex fell steeply by 6,132 contracts from 135,763 to 129,712. There is no doubt that the leverage for the longs suffered a bit but so did those shorts that have to pay margin requirements. This created much volatility on the silver price yesterday.
All eyes are on the front delivery month of May were the open interest stands at 2166 contracts or 10.83 million oz. The options that were exercised were given future contracts on Friday night and will be reflected in the numbers on Monday.
I believe that Blythe will be some busy lady this weekend.
The next battleground front month for silver is July and the OI rose from 76,365 to 78,060. We still have a long way off until we hit this trading month. The estimated volume at the silver comex was good at 77,167. The confirmed volume on Thursday, the day before first day notice was 226,267 where we witnessed most of the silver longs rolling to July and September."
Here is some background on Comex Inventory and the Eligible vs. Registered categories.
The much higher margin requirements serve to dampen demand due to speculation. But it also has the effect of making sure that the demand that continues to exist is held by some relatively stronger hands, not as susceptible to margin calls and other price antics.