with all the bubbles in the world, the governbankers
had to create a fictitious silver bubble, that's only a bubble because they "burst" it.
The short story is that the futures markets in silver, the CME, in the US
are used as a big 'get out of bankruptcy free' card for the major banks.
They manipulate the price down to keep their charade going.
This time though, my fears have been realised:
I wrote a while ago that
'if this raid spooks silver investors, then the oligarchy has just won themselves
some free time to retrench'
For one reason or another, a lot of small investors thought that they could use theirsome free time to retrench'
purchases of physical silver to crash the stock market. I wanted it so bad, but didn't
invest. These folks who did are now clinically depressed. Of course, they should hold
on to their silver, but anyway...
But, now it seems that others are fully believing [BELOW] that silver will never go above $45, because it is the forbidden zone set up by JP Morgan. They've broken innumerable laws, there's insider trading, and yet it still goes on, in broad daylight.
Well, all empires end, but when will this one? I don't know.
Here's the wise Stacie Herbert giving some loser chickensh*ts a shake
checkitout: 2 things
Stacy Blog: Show me the silver bubble!
Posted on May 19, 2011 by stacyherbert [maxkeiser.com]
There are some that since 2001 have doubted the bull market in precious metals. In these past six weeks, however, everyone from former silver bulls to those who sell freeze dried chicken sh*t for a living are out-shrieking the bears on the shriek factor. Do a google search and you will find hundreds upon hundreds of references to Hunt brother days. Bubble. Hunt Brothers. Suckers. Bubble. 1980. Bubble. Lose money. Bubble.
What the heck is going on???? Is the sky falling? Should we retreat?
Well, note that during every long, steady march up of a bull market, there are violent corrections down. And during every single one of these violent corrections, most of the media and many of the analysts will begin shrieking with fear or gloating with vengeance that the bull market is over. Read this editorial by Peter Schiff dated 2006 when silver corrected by 35% in 6 weeks. As you see, people were obviously shrieking that silver was in a bubble and now it was plummeting, popping and tumbling from I think it was $12 down to $9. No doubt Schiff will have received loads of hate mail from people who had ‘lost’ money by selling their silver after buying ‘at the bubble high’ on his recommendation. But without losers, there can be no winners in markets. It is because there are so many losers during a bull market that some can win. Their shrieks shake out even more losers, so the winners can win even more. Their loss is your gain.
To some, the losing is worth it. I have a friend who bought silver at the 2008 ‘bubble high’ of $22. Yes, again, in 2008, the silver bubble burst! This friend sold at $9 where silver once again fell. He ‘lost’ money by being ‘suckered’ into a bubble. Of course, $9 was obviously a support level for the next ride up on the bull. He doesn’t regret his losses as he says he just couldn’t deal with the emotional swings of the bull market ride.
The World Is Cornering The Elite…
By Silver Shield, on May 18th, 2011
A recent article by Costata put forth the theory that silver is a losing bet, because the Elite won’t let it threaten their interests. His article , Has the Silver Market Been Cornered… AGAIN? is the latest in the silver bashing parade. A couple of my readers would like my opinion of his theory and it’s possible implications on the silver market.
Costata starts with, all works of fiction require “a willing suspension of disbelief”. I find this as an interesting starting point, but not for the reason he sets forth. You see we are living in the great fiction of the American Dream......
Costata says that the Elite can control the flow of the silver to essentially control the market. This is true, as we have seen in the past two weeks in the paper silver markets.
* The Elite can continue to trade 8 billion ounces of paper silver and knock 30% off the price of silver in a heart beat. They can do this even though there is only 1 billion ounces of silver produced every year and that there is only 33 million ounces in the Registered vaults of the CRIMEX. [CME/COMEX- Costick67]
* They can continue to manipulate the market by effectively doubling the cost of margins in 8 days.
* They can continue to have the 8 largest banks net short 150 days of global silver production without ever settling or delivering the physical metal.
* They can continue to trade 45 to 1 paper ounces to physical on the LBMA as Andrew MacGuire testified to.
* They can continue to take unlimited paper losses as long as the Fed backs them up in this paper suppression game.
* They can continue to break down regulations to expand their thieving.
* They can continue to have insider knowledge of smack downs.
* They can continue to pressure miners and refiners.
* They can continue to lease metal they don’t have.
* They can continue to create money/debt out of thin air.
* They can continue to use dark pools of liquidity and derivatives to add further layers to the game.
* They can continue to change the rules and raise borrowing costs like they did to the Hunt Brothers.
* They can continue to have the regulators turn a blind eye to the manipulative schemes they pull.
* They can continue to demonetize silver like they did in the Crime of 1873 and in 1964.
* They can continue to squeeze billionaires to dump their 129 million ounces over their ties to AIG.
* They can continue to unload billions of ounces in the national stockpiles of silver into the open market.
* They can continue to sell unallocated silver and ETF’s as a alternative to the REAL physical silver.
* They can continue to push gold as the real metal to own, because the Elite have a lot of that in the Central Banks.
* They can continue to demonize REAL assets and continue to glorify the latest and greatest paper instruments.
* They can continue to trade and control their casino.
* They can do all of this, until the music stops.
“Things that cannot go on forever, won’t”