number 1: keep your employees at starvation wages. They won't have the strength
to ask for a raise. Tell them there's no inflation. "Prices frozen for 5 years!"
No wage inflation! Bonus! Du-uh winning! (the gov thanks you)

number 2: pay the newspapers to tell the public that there's no inflation
number 3: give talking points to politicians. "As you can see, there's no inflation".
Make sure the government cooks the CPI and WPI numbers to hide the
inflation that everybody knows is just south of 10%.... for the workers.
number 4: outsource all your products to factories in sunny China. Cheaper cost, more profit

number 5: rent a post box in Switzerland and call it "our new head office"

You're now officially "offshore."
You do all your business in the UK,
but pull a Doctor Who when the taxman commeth.
No corporation tax means more bonuses for youand your upper execs, if they kiss your arse.
Most importantly, no need to raise prices in a competitive market.
You've got your filthy lucre already!
number 6: these are all short-term solutions, so prepare to pack up your belongings
and go to the Caribbean, because the whole thing's gonna implode really soon.
You can't keep sucking money out of an economy and expect it to keep chugging along.
But, what do you care? Short term is king. Life is short.
-Costick67 ~(8^P