who are losing their houses to illegal foreclosures (see my other stories)
should lose their houses anyway, because they're
bad bad bad people!
you can just hear his finger wagging
you can just hear his finger wagging
One of his competitors, Karl Denninger had a few things to say. I can't find his bon mots, so here goes a re-imagining:
Mish: fraudulent mortgage papers are a technicality
Denninger: sorry. There's something called the law. Like, "no fraud allowed".Du-uh
Costick67: Mishelin tread marks on Mish's head. He's on a bit of slide lately. Maybe his squeeze packed up and left.
[the distressed homeowner in Mish-land- see below][I gotta have turf, even if I gotta steal it.]
here's Mish's mash
[I refuse to post the words of a Banksterist idiot]
more on MERS from Zerohedge
The Blessing (And Curse) That Is The "Linda Green" Signature
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/26/2011 19:52 -0400
When we presented our follow up post on Sarah Palin's recent house purchase, various elements from the Pavlovian fringe decided to make the idiotic assumption that the post, and the one preceding it, were some hit piece targeting the presidential candidate. Actually, no. Frankly, we have absolutely no opinion of Ms. Palin, and as such have no intention of writing "hit pieces", or any pieces, targeting her. The whole point of the posts was to demonstrate that even a person, who soon may or may not be president of America, could have fallen for what is now the most massive mortgage fraud scheme in the history of this country (which will certainly cost banks tens if not hundreds of billions of dollars to ultimately resolve). And while we will have many more discoveries on the matter soon, as we pointed out, the key link in the whole story is the mythical entity known as "Linda Green." While the backstory is by now very well known by most, for those to whom the reference is still unclear, we present the following investigative reporting piece by WHDH.com which explains why the Linda Green signature appearing anywhere in one's mortgage doc history, is a "blessing" and comparable to winning the lottery. Furthermore, we make no ethical judgments about whether strategically defaulting on one's mortgage is "good" or "bad" - the reality is that we are where we are. As Marie McDonnell, a Forensic Mortgage Analyst says, "I'm speechless. The scope of the problem is unimaginable, the depth of the fraud is shocking." And therein lies the rub: when all is said and done, banks will ultimately be saddled with another massive round of losses, which will then necessitate another round of taxpayer bailouts, which will then likely be orchestrated by the mainstream media machine as a conflict between those who pay their mortgages and those who don't, instead of focusing on the core problem: unimaginable greed by the financial system to do whatever it takes to fatten the bottom line, which includes breaking the law. And the longer we pretend the problem does not exist, the bigger the ultimate bail out (see Greece).
and , a letter in two parts:
by JLee2027
Exactly. No bailouts for the banks, they committed fraud and broke the chain of title, while most of us just stuggled to pay our own bills. Now we should pay theirs too? No way.
I think the end result will be squatters win. For those with a MERS mortgage in foreclosure, hang in there guys, DON'T let the banks boot you. If you get a default notice, write them a letter, send a fax and challenge it. Make them prove they have an original mortgage note, and ask them their authority to assign mortgage through MERS. Claim they are committing fraud (which they are through MERS). Tell them if they persist in trying to take your house you will sue them. This does stop some of the banks and attorneys dead in their tracks, especially if they KNOW the paperwork has flaws.
If that doesn't work fight them in court every step of the way and when you lose, appeal. File pro se if you have to. When you lose and they try to evict you, file again in court and appeal that if you lose. You can hold out for years while the courts figure things out. By that time, the illegal business practice known as MERS should be dead and the survivors will get title.
Do not fall for the refinancing gimmick. That is their chance to "fix" the papers and really trap you. I know it's hard, but ignore it.
BTW, if that is Palin's new house and there are title issues, they have a moral obligation to back out of the sale. There are plenty of homes available, as we all sadly know.
by JLee2027
You or them committing fraud? If you're suggesting it, that's just stupid. You go to jail, they go free, as always. But...if it's them:
That's why you need to challenge it immediately to the entity that claims to be foreclosing, then again in court. They have dubious authority through MERS to make these assignments, as the authority is self-given and violates state laws in some cases.
I am not a lawyer, but I am a homeowner who's been through this. "They" are crooked as the day is long. Stand up and fight!