An old joke on the talkshow circuit:
Marlon Brando, who was very large, says to a friend "it's been years since I've seen my dick"
His friend, Donald Sutherland, says "don't you have a mirror?"
Paul "Bernank" Giammatti
There's a new film coming out soon called "Too Big To Fail", and it has
roped in many big name American actors. Most of them look very similar to
the real people. I especially like Giammatti as the Chairsatan. This is
Sideways Part 2, for him, with more f%^*kin about, this time.
As they said in the sneak preview video I saw, it was a big moment in
American history and there was a lot at stake.
It did show that a lot of big people were just flying by the seat of their pants.
They made some decisions, but those decisions were illogical (even though nobody wants a market crash), and so the illogical and illegal behaviour continues, because nobody knows what else to do. No sense that the "computer games" are dangerous to the world economy.
It's as if the characters of 2008 are the same coniving characters we have today. The government and the Bernank continue to cover for them.
And the hole keeps getting deeper.
What I don't like is that it keeps all the drama, but due to a fear of litigation,
doesn't clearly present any of the truly immoral activity, like
"give us the money, no questions asked, or the economy crashes" blackmail.
So, the audience gets a pat on the head, even though it is their money
they'll be watching disappear, again!
In fact I'm getting the idea that the author of the book that this movie is based on, Sorkin,
knew as much about how to make a story palatable enough to make himself rich, and sell the movie rights, as he did about the crisis of '08. In the preview, which I refuse to post, he's such a suck-arse, double-talking, 'what are we all gonna do here' kind of dork. But, I know he's not that stupid. He's gone Ka-ching.
more later
From the Daily Bell [check the whole article, it's v good]
HBO, Daily Beast, Sorkin and the Financial Crisis: Too Big to Explain
Thursday, May 19, 2011 – by Staff Report
Too Big Too Fail ... At a New York screening of the new HBO adaptation of Andrew Ross Sorkin's Too Big to Fail, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner said that not only is our financial system not too large to go bust—but we're headed for another crisis. The Wall Street meltdown of late 2008 was, in real life, a harrowing event, triggering a terrible recession from which we're still recovering. In the HBO movie Too Big to Fail, it's also a surprisingly gripping melodrama – a clash of greedheads and egomaniacs desperate to escape the consequences of their own bad behavior. – Daily Beast
Dominant Social Theme: This is a great book! It brings you inside the financial crisis and makes it come alive! You really get to feel the crisis! You are there! You can see it happening! And after reading this book you will not have a clue as to why it occurred! So watch the movie! You still won't know! But you will feel like you were there! You will feel like an insider! You will still be ignorant as hell! But you will feel connected! Wow! [the pat on the head- Costick67]
Free-Market Analysis: HBO has adapted Andrew Ross Sorkin's book, Too Big to Fail and Timothy Geithner appeared at the initial screening and predicted the system will fall apart yet again. (Big news! The current system sucks!) This seems to come as a surprise to the Daily Beast, which profiled the event (see excerpt above). We were struck by this perfect storm of media activity. Surely, we decided, given the tremendous agglomeration of resources and reporting, the mainstream media must have finally "gotten it right."....
Here are some more points to which the Daily Beast article does not allude: The current system is a farce and fraud; it cannot provide jobs; cannot provide careers; cannot provide much of anything except paper profits for bankers. This is the system that Hank Paulson bailed out (no wonder he vomited); this is the system that Timmy Geithner is dedicated to upholding. This is why the pain and terror of the past few years is bound to be repeated.
Conclusion: The people that brought you the current dysfunctional economic system are still in charge. You can see them in operation later in May on HBO. You can read the book, too. You will be amazed! Stimulated! Entertained! But you won't know anymore afterward than before. Geithner, Paulson, Ms. Brown and the banking families to whom they report, wouldn't have it any other way.....