Obama should do the only brave thing and let the litigious American public get their money back
by letting them sue and otherwise destroy Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan, bit by bit.
He'll even get tax money on the lawyer fees.

they should let Judge Wapner preside over it, express-style,
in the People's Court.
Right out in public, on tv.
Right out in public, on tv.
Obama should do the sneaky thing
Let the courts clear out their coffers.
Let regulation and spot taxes take the rest away.
It’ll be like it happened by accident.
Nobody will be the wiser, even the guys who pay Obama
to lead the country. JPMorgan, that is.
Do it, Mr Prez or I’ll sick the birthers on you. The birthers might become deathers.
Know what I'm saying?
Costick67 ~(8^P