Who needs an underwater house mortgage. There's some perfectly good nature going unused.
-Costick67 ~(8^P
Bob Chapman
The personal question we are asked is when will the Fed find out it cannot continue to create money and credit? Whether most of you realize it or not present monetary policy has been in action for 11 years, so this is nothing new. That is how long inflation has been created over those years. It shows you that central banks have major leeway and a long time line to do their dastardly deeds. The problem for these bankers is that in the end they lose every time. Historically they have extracted themselves by buying everyone in sight. When the Lombard League collapsed in 1348 they were exiled and in 1789 in France their heads were removed.

What is interesting is that in each case and there were many, the bankers knew exactly what the outcome would be, but they proceeded in spite of that. Today, the Fed is trying to stabilize inflation at about 2%.
Official figures are 1.5% when in reality the figures are between 7% and 9%.
What the Fed has given Wall Street and banking, which owns the Fed, is an economy on steroids, which is not a cure but a continuing palliative. Debt and unfunded liabilities spread worldwide will end up dishonored. The Fed’s idea is to inflate the problems away, but that can only work in general terms. How do you really inflate debt away without default? Perhaps the market is beginning to realize no matter how much money and credit is injected into the system that is not going to ultimately work. The elitists are at a dead end and they are well aware of it because they deliberately created this monstrosity. Everything is in place for economic, financial, social and political failure not only in the US, but in many other countries as well. The result will negatively impact the world for sometime to come. Materialism is coming to an end. You have been warned.
What the Fed has given Wall Street and banking, which owns the Fed, is an economy on steroids, which is not a cure but a continuing palliative. Debt and unfunded liabilities spread worldwide will end up dishonored. The Fed’s idea is to inflate the problems away, but that can only work in general terms. How do you really inflate debt away without default? Perhaps the market is beginning to realize no matter how much money and credit is injected into the system that is not going to ultimately work. The elitists are at a dead end and they are well aware of it because they deliberately created this monstrosity. Everything is in place for economic, financial, social and political failure not only in the US, but in many other countries as well. The result will negatively impact the world for sometime to come. Materialism is coming to an end. You have been warned.