Friday, 18 March 2011

why leave Japan? at least they have public health care

As I mentioned in the message below, American soldiers are already likely sick
with glow-worm disease.

Also, their government told Yanks, 5 days after France told their kind,
to get out of Tokyo, vite, vite.

Too late. The vapour cloud's already in town.
UPDATE: It also passed over the UK recently, as per a physicist I know.

There's already been radiation detected in Chicago and other airports.
"no need to fear. All is well", they tell us.
[if a soldier says so]

So, if you were an American working in Japan, and might be sick from radiation exposure,
why would you return to the US?
If you get sick, you'll lose everything. Even if you could get insurance, question 1 will be
"been to Japan lately", and the rate will be 2000 bucks a month.

We all know how well the US treat their army veterans, after their loyal service to the country.
Vietnam vets as psychos or bums are cultural norms. Look at any movie.

Iraq veterans are coming home legless, but still alive, and ending up
on the street with no health care.
So, why would people go back home. They probably had jobs in Japan.
If they're jobless in the US, the have no healthcare coverage at all.
It's really expensive, so they'll need to raid their savings, or end up on the street.

Perhaps the irradiated American returnees can be
used as street lights,
now that many US cities are bankrupt.
-Costick67 ~(8^P