Everybody in the US media, Beck included, has realised the the US is screwed and is raising the alarm warning about the CHinese threat, most obviously found in the McDonald's kid toys.
OOOHhhhh! Velly Scary.
However, it will be a different world when people like him will have to bow, like Obama does, to the new world leaders.
I think, if you read the text below, you'll prefer the 'Mongols' to the wealthy, with their feeling of entitlement and their class war. I'd rather be led by enlightened warriors.
This particularly key in the UK when it seems that Oxford produces no shortage of
useless, entitlement jockeys leading the country deeper into oblivion, at an every-increasing rate.
They're handing off from one bunch to the next in a morbid tag-team sport known as politics.

Maybe we'll end up relying on our neighbours , whose names we don't even know now. See my Orlov story.
Eventually we'll need a neighbourhood army in order to keep the order, after all the police are fired, to pay off the debt.
Costick67 ~(8^P
checkitout:Gary Brecher exiled online:
See, that’s what’s sad about all this: the post-disaster world will be just like this one,
only worse.
All the lousy coworkers and squabbles and crap, but none of the luxuries.
The winners won’t be the zombies,
just another set of bosses.
The end of the world is what you call it when your tribe loses.
It may be the end of the world for them, like it was for hundreds of native tribes all over the world, but when your world ends like that, you don’t get to play out the game in some cool ruins out of a video game. Some other tribe takes over, that’s all. And when they do, there’s no way on earth you can hole up in your townhouse with a semi-automatic weapon and hold out. Because it’s organization that wins, not lone gunmen. If you want to survive, join a club. It only looks like chaos to the losers.
The Mongols are my classic example here. They were a “horde” to the people whose asses they kicked, but if those losers had had the sense to accept Mongol vassalage (which the Mongols usually offered before they started leveling everything to the horizon) they’d have found out that the Mongols were actually better organized than their opposition.
Most of the time the Mongol armies
faced armies made up of a few professional soldiers
and huge peasant levies,
led by guys who were born into the job.
Half of them were opium addicts, retards, lazy whoremongers, or macho idiots.
That’s what you get when you trust a family tree.
Anyway, just saying: DC. Target-rich environment.and huge peasant levies,
led by guys who were born into the job.
Half of them were opium addicts, retards, lazy whoremongers, or macho idiots.
That’s what you get when you trust a family tree.
That’s why the most annoying waste of killing power was that
DC Sniper and his little boyfriend.
The guy had a good setup, that false-backed car, a spotter,
good Army training, he’s right there,
could’ve picked off two dozen lobbyists and been a national hero—and instead he shoots random civilians filling their gas tanks.
Wasted potential, as my guidance counselor used to say.
[AHAHHAHahahahAHAhahhh -LOL]