Friday, 4 March 2011

why not SET UP A globalised WHORE FACTORY?

Now that winning has been re-defined:
Winning : Spending $500k in a few months on coke and whores, blowing your incredibly generous TV gig, endangering yourself and family, being a source of amusement and ridicule, destroying your family name [zerohedge]

I think this was their take on Charlie Sheen's definition, but it could apply to any stock-broker here in London.
more examples coming soon

So, the world of the bankers and othe super-rich is awash with coke and whores, I thought that somebody should start a service company to provide these services.
Since bankers can break the law at will, then I thought, if I get in good with them,
I can do whatever I want as well.


Start the service in the UK. But, true to the business model you can learn in any of the univesities here in town, I can then run the shop with an iron fist.
If the girls threaten to unionise, I will threaten to move the shop overseas.

I will take on board illegal immigrants, just like any number of factories in the UK.

STEP 2 move overseas

STEP 3 keep wages low. Use strict local managers who will be allowed to beat the staff.

STEP 4 get to know politicians so that I can bribe them to look the other way

STEP 5 if staff threaten to unionise, I'll close up shop and break a few limbs.

STEP 6 Become a vertically integrated company by starting a personnel office
Start a coke and heroin supply business, for the same reason.

STEP 7 Become a horizontally-integrated company by buying off, bribing or killing the competition

more later

At least a whorehouse provides a wider public service, beyond the benefit to employees and ‘management’. Therefore, it's better than the banks. If you've seen my other story (Mr Obama tear down that Wall Street) you know that for every dollar they make, bankers sacifice 8 dollars of real growth.