Fuk me, indeed.
How could a country that was A-bombed twice in WW2 turn aroundand do it to themselves?
They have 54 Nuke plants. Hair of the dog what bit ya!
Japanese-style nihilism after that created the marketable Godzilla.
Actually, Godzilla's story was that a nuclear leak
into the ocean
[just like at FUKushima]
gave birth to this most Japanese of monsters.
Then they cashed in on their resulting fearlessness, by creating a real Godzilla
in the form of a Tsunami/nuke monster that will 'eat' their country.
Scary! The island is so animist and animated,
I just Shintoed my pants!
[d'you kiss your mother with that tongue?]
'where did I park that car?' Sendai airport. 'Oh, there it goes...Hey!'
APPARENTLY, the Japanese government was warned about building a nuclear plant
on their shaky island. Pay no mind![at least we now know that we haven't cornered the market on stupid politicians]
checkitout: guardian.co.uk,
Japan ministers ignored safety warnings over nuclear reactors
Seismologist Ishibashi Katsuhiko claimed that an accident was likely and that plants have 'fundamental vulnerability'
* Robin McKie, science editor
Saturday 12 March 2011 18.51 GMT
The timing of the near nuclear disaster at Fukushima Daiichi could not have been more appropriate. In only a few weeks the world will mark the 25th anniversary of the worst nuclear plant disaster ever to affect our planet – at Chernobyl in Ukraine. A major core meltdown released a deadly cloud of radioactive material over Europe and gave the name Chernobyl a terrible resonance.
This weekend it is clear that the name Fukushima came perilously close to achieving a similar notoriety. However, the real embarrassment for the Japanese government is not so much the nature of the accident but the fact it was warned long ago about the risks it faced in building nuclear plants in areas of intense seismic activity. Several years ago, the seismologist Ishibashi Katsuhiko stated, specifically, that such an accident was highly likely to occur. Nuclear power plants in Japan have a "fundamental vulnerability" to major earthquakes, Katsuhiko said in 2007. The government, the power industry and the academic community had seriously underestimated the potential risks posed by major quakes.....
2 the story of Godzilla from Wikipedia, the other Wiki
Wiki When a Japanese fishing boat is attacked by a flash of light near Odo Island, two rescue boats are sent, but they too are destroyed. Few survive. On Odo Island, a village elder blames their poor fishing on Godzilla and recalls that in earlier times native girls were sacrificed to appease the giant sea monster. Survivors from the boats wash ashore. Word gets out and a helicopter arrives on the island with curious, but skeptical, reporters. Frightened natives per-form a ceremony to keep the monster away, but it doesn't work. That night, while the natives sleep, a storm arrives and Godzilla comes with it. Death and destruction ensue.
The next day witnesses arrive in Tokyo. Dr. Kyohei Yamane suggests that investigators be sent to the island. On arrival, Yamane finds giant radioactive footprints. When an alarm sounds, the villagers run to the hills, only to find Godzilla is more than they can fight. After a quick skirmish, the villagers run for safety and Godzilla heads to the ocean.
Dr. Yamane returns to Tokyo to present his findings. He concludes that Godzilla was created by a nuclear explosion. Some want to conceal that fact [that's so nuclear of them- Costick67], fearing international repercussions. Others say the truth must be revealed. They prevail and Godzilla's origins are announced to the public.