Hillary has aged 5 years in the last 2 months.
I'm a good judge of faces. She hasn't slept more than a couple of hours in about a month.
That can only mean one thing. The US is trying to dream its way out of the impending dollar/debt disaster which is coming. They may be bringing forward a few war plans.
You'll laugh, but they'll try to say that the bank crisis was caused by foreign cyber-terrorists.
Enemy of choice will depend on the risk-benefit analysis.
Iran? China? Venezuela? Cuba?
This is a Pentagon talking point.Max Keiser was laughing about this, but I have one question for him:
What did Sadam Husein have to do with 911?
We all know he was not involved.
Did it stop the US?
His country was stilled bombed into the Middle Ages.
What difference does the truth make?
No worries, y'all, it will just hasten the US's fall.
Nero also debased the currency of Ancient Rome and kept on spending and fighting foreign wars.
Then Rome fell.
Costick67 ~(8^P
Catherine Fitts says "If liquidity fails, then the US will go to war, covert or overt [On the edge-Max Keiser]. That includes currency war
Pentagon Tries to Blame Financial Crisis on Foreign Financial TerroristsSubmitted by George Washington on 03/01/2011 14:08 -0400
→ Washington’s Blog
The Pentagon is paying contractors to claim that it was foreign financial terrorists - instead of fraud by American financial executives - which caused the 2008 financial crisis.
While a Pentagon contractor said, “This is the equivalent of box cutters on an airplane,” Paul Backen - a Yale University professor who has studied economic warfare, said he saw “no convincing evidence that ‘outside forces’ colluded to bring about the 2008 crisis.”
Indeed, the claim that terrorism caused the financial crisis is about as believable as Gaddafi trying to blame the Libyan protests on Osama Bin Laden, or al-Maliki blaming Al Qaeda for the Iraqi protests.
But it's not an isolated incident. In fact, the government is trying in many ways to convince us that financial fraud is isolated, not systemic, and - most of all - not important to rein in.
For example, the U.S State Department's website says (click on link entitled "economic")"
Economic conspiracy theories are often based on the false, but popular, idea that powerful individuals are motivated overwhelmingly by their desire for wealth, rather than the wide variety of human motivations we all experience.
This one-dimensional, cartoonish view of human nature is at the heart of Marxist ideology, which once held hundreds of millions under its sway.)
If I didn't know better, I would say that the State Department is implying that anyone that questions the intent behind even a particular powerful individual's actions is a conspiracy theorist or a Marxist.
More importantly, Obama's current head of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs - and a favored pick for the Supreme Court (Cass Sunstein) - previously:
Defined a conspiracy theory as "an effort to explain some event or practice by reference to the machinations of powerful people, who have also managed to conceal their role."
I wanted to get a later part of this video, where he says the "Pentagon is an anus", but enjoy anyway.