public dissent is causing rich man's paranoia to reach new highs/lows.
As a result, we can see that the public will is scaring our leaders.
They know that we are not only thinking for ourselves, but acting
upon those thoughts. That means they've lost control and it's driving
them nuts. They're gonna reach for ever-more extreme measures
and they're all going to fall flat once we figure out how to by-pass them.
So, we must be winning. of course, winn-ing is a process and it's far
from over.
If you examine the syndrome's definition, you'll see just how much
of today's world is run as if this syndrome is taking over their minds.
The government, bankers, media moguls and other oligarchs are
typically stunningly wealthy, and have all the power of life and death in their hands
and yet they're always afraid of poor little people scuttling about doing things
that they're not supposed to.
Only the rich can steal, not the poor.
Only the rich can speak to/for the wider public, not the poor.
David Cameron is overreacting to the riots and his minions are
insisting that courts ignore the law and jurisprudence to put
12 year-olds in jail. that's gotta be unconstitutional, even if the Uk
has no constitution. Well, it should have one, ok?
Have they embarrassed you Just Dave? or are you truly scared of them?
Of course, the Conservatives are expressing the shock of the upper classes,
being surprised that there are actually people living outside the walled communities
the rich hide themselves in. So, rightly or wrongly, they're expressing the shock
and fear that their heads will be rolling in the streets soon. Alas, there's no chance of that. It's just rich man's paranoia.
One day they're like Louis XVI, the Sun King, all imperious and out of touch,
and the next day, they're alert and beying for blood.
So when Just Dave and Louise Mensch call for the abrogation of free speech,
in the form of shutting off twitter and 3G mobiles, they're expressing their mortal fear
of the public gathering.
Just Dave: They must be up to something illegal.
Police chief: maybe
Just Dave: Well, find something illegal and be quick about it.
Louise: Ya, a-hem. Yes.
Police chief: there's the issue of you always scapegoating me...
from George WASHington:
Recently I sat down with two of the young adults who organized and led the Egyptian resistance movement that overthrew Hosni Mubarak. The media narrative said it took 18 days, when in fact, they had been organizing for over five years.
According to these young men, the moment they knew they had won was the day Mubarak’s government shut off the Internet and blocked cellphone communications. When people could no longer get updates about what was happening in Tahrir Square, they had to come out of their homes and see for themselves, tripling the size of the protests in one fell swoop.
The global plutocracy is terrified of dissent. In some places, the war on dissent is being fought with bullets. In others, the war on dissent targets social media and mobile communications, while repressing and deceiving communities of struggle. It’s already happening.
Our Voices Are More Important Than We've Realized
Renner is right: the plutocracy is terrified of dissent.
Indeed, the Asch Conformity Experiment showed that even one dissenting voice can give people permission to think for themselves.
And a new study shows that when only 10% of a population have strongly-held beliefs, their belief will be adopted by the majority of the society.