Party's futile attempt to deep-six Ron Paul because they can see
that this ideas are carrying the day with reasonable Republicans and
many Democrats.
So, she barely won the straw poll, but she has cheated (who taught her that?)
by sweetening the deal
by bribing 'voters' with
access to famous people (an old trick of the Democrats).
the poster, as evidence of premature corruption:
So, all fraud excluded, Ron Paul won, fair and square.
by bribing 'voters' with
access to famous people (an old trick of the Democrats).
the poster, as evidence of premature corruption:
However, reports have still completely ignored Ron Paul.
He is persona not grata at the GOP barbeque.
Even though Paul could win, the oligarchy
think that he's a tough piece of meat that will need a lot of tenderising
before he'll be ready for Oval duty.
Ron just doesn't play along with Corruptions R Us.
Methinks the public knows that and is liking Paul's rhetoric.
Let's watch.
At least one hayseed, Tim Pawlenty, drew the short straw, and decided to pick
up his toys and go home. Good move, Tim. Poisoned chalice, innit?
checkitout: Zerohedge
The Media Admits To Ignoring Ron Paul
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 08/14/2011 15:42 -0400
Why? Because if "the unelectable one" were to become president, the financial kleptocratic, oligarchic status quo, which just so happens is the big legacy media's biggest advertising base, would be wiped out overnight. Next up: big media becomes very small media. The clip below from CNN explains it all.