knifings to be revealed. Meanwhile, any and all witnesses and journalists
who dare to say a word are killed off.
Lesson number 1: UN Gen Sec.s should shut up and do what the US tells them.
proof 1: failure to communicate
UN General Secretary Dag Hammerskjold was assassinated (it is conjectured)
by the US or UK. He tried to negotiate an end to a Congo war that the UK and US
were promoting in order to benefit from the chaos, thereby getting their hands
on Congo's resources.
proof 2: that's a good doggie
UN Gen Sec Annan and the Annan Plan
to make a Ghana (or Congo)
out of Cyprus
and Annan is still alive.
It's well known that at the start of the negotiations, US Sec of State Colon Powell
called up Annan and told him to watch out for Turkey's interests, which is what
the Annan plan did.
Then there is the unfortunate timing of Bush's war in Iraq and his war against fundamentalist Islam, for which he needs Turkish support. Colin Powell's telephone call to Kofi Annan at the start of talks in Buergenstock, asking him to look out for the interests of Turkey, was the height of diplomatic indiscretion.
a bit of threatening language [it just breaks your heart @sarc]
"There is no Plan B," said U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell last week. Far from getting another "bite at the cherry," as one U.N. official puts it, Greek Cypriots may be facing de facto permanent partition of their island, barring them from one of the most fertile and picturesque parts of their beloved homeland.
Read more:,9171,612300,00.html#ixzz1VtridSUB