Ya, that's the ticket.
Let's have a war. Ya, ww2 was really good for the economy.
the MIC is in charge of the government, so why not?
That's Paul Krugman, who's considered a lefty in Washington.
He'll be useful. Convince the lefties to go to war. Yaaah!
It means that Obama has cover for a pre-emptive strike at
the next nuclear power, Iran. That's what the Nobel was for, dontcha know?
"Bomb Iran" was John McCain's favourite tune during the last elections.
You know Israel wants to join in. So, let's make an excuse for war.
Killing of babies in incubators, or kicking dogs, or eating dogs, or
they like Arsenal, when they should like Manchester United or Chelsea.
I can feel my blood boiling already.
Gonzalo Lira, the gonzo economist, has been waiting in the tall reeds
for Krugman to show his true face (that's his arse, actually).
Now, he's pounced and made mince meat of Krugman's
magnum opus and his weenie shaker/ fluffer, Brad De Long.
It is truly choice rhetoric.
"You pointed out that this position he holds is not only blatantly immoral, it is a position Krugman seems to have no problem openly pushing—your unspoken implication being that this is disastrous, considering how influential Krugman is in major policy circles. "
"As a side benefit, I also slimed DeLong so bad, he actually wound up changing the name of his blog for a while, as its original title—“Grasping Reality With Both Hands”—was a bit too apropos to my point that DeLong was Krugman’s fluffer." [Krugman's phallus, with both hands AhahHahHAAHAhahaahAHahhaahha - Costick67]
"The whole experience was an object lesson in the way the blogosphere works: How the best writing in the world, the most thoughtful analysis in the world, won’t necessarily get you mainstream notice—because there are gatekeepers who keep the riffraff out. "
"So I just wanted to tell you, Great Post!, as well as Watch Out! These people will come after you, if they can.
And if they can’t, they’ll ignore you as completely as if you didn’t exist. And to them, if you don’t exist, then your ideas don’t exist—and therefore aren’t worth repeating."