Friday, 5 August 2011

Throw more of them into the cauldron

I'm working on a story about how
stupid and short-sighted politicians and economic leaders are.
I've been reading about how nobody foresaw the
first Great war until they had tripped right into it.

And, in order to get it to end quickly, they kept on sending millions of
people to their deaths on the battlefields of Benelux.

The same is going on with the financial crisis of today.
The oligarchs know not what they are doing, and keep trying to patch
things up by killing off jobs and people.

We've got economists, but they're as much responsible for the crisis as the bankers.
It's their theories that bankers are hiding behind as they rape the normal economy
of the world that's been operating for at least 10 000 years.

some more 1914 vibe:

Guest Post: Too Much Of A Good Thing Is Not A Good Thing
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 08/12/2011 21:37 -0400
Submitted by David Galland of Casey Research
I am beginning to feel a bit like one of the French unfortunates stumbling through the fog in the Ardennes, circa 1914. Except that, instead of Germans full of deadly intent coming at me in the gloomy forest, it is a flock of black swans.
As it was for the French in the Ardennes, the number of problems – then Germans, now black swans – is becoming overwhelming.
the black swans include the major economies in freefall- Euro, Japan, China, US

Jim Rickards recalls 1919

he's in a flow of consciousness. His stuff is so magical.
Merchant of Venice and his pound of flesh
"We're nationalising your banks"
"your stock is going to zero"
"too much debt doesn't get paid"

Everybody needs to realise that
the reparations of WW1 (excessive debt)
led almost directly to right-wing reaction, and then Hitler (riots)
and thus WW2.
Each country is being slowly picked off for debt slavery
and the reactions have been violent.
What can we do?
Are we going for Peace or War?
YOU choose, mon chum.
debt cancellation is the path to peace.
more soon