Wednesday, 30 January 2013

the winter of 95 theses

In much the same way that the printing press brought
massive change to the world of the 15th and 16th
centuries, so the Net of Nets will bring massive
change to our lives, and just in time.

We need Occupy and Anonymous and others to keep
the issues of freedom of speech front and centre as
we put the squeeze on our cheating politicians
and their buddies.

The printing press led to the re-translation of the Bible
and that made it possible for Martin Luther to see that
the Catholic Church had promoted the Bible the way that
it wanted to. Martin soon fixed that.
He posted the 95 theses on a church door, and
set the ball rolling for righteous protest.
Hell, he was even the reason for naming another
righteous protester: Martin Luther King Jr
MLKJr's legacy is still with us 50 years after his
assassination. But, I digress.

In that vein, I will create my set of 95 theses on subjects
which are important to us:

95 theses on Internet freedom
95 theses on control of governments by magnates
95 theses on improving democracy
95 theses on the 99%
stay tuned 

Tuesday, 29 January 2013

The League of Bureaucrats vs the League of Pissed off Europeans

I've been working on a re-assessment of the EU
and its place in the timeline of European history.

I was at a little cafe chat about Euroskepticism,
and I'm here to report that it is flourishing.
I'm really glad that it's now dragging the
British government along with it.

I foresee however that the Eurocrats will
create the fear of taking the EU to the
brink of war, but eventually they'll lose
the political battle and thus the EU will
slowly die to be replaced by .....Dunno

Europe, until 1945 was known as the
Cauldron of the White Devil because
Europeans had a regular habit of
annihilating one another at alarmingly
regular intervals. So, the idea was
to create a political grouping that
would keep us from killing our
fellow Europeans.

The EU now thinks that we are in a new world
where the rules of yesteryear do not apply.
Unfortunately, the EU forgot that there
used to be plenty of European groupings
for the protection of their members. They
were known as treaty groups, and they
were designed to defend members from
the enemy.

For example, there was the I Hate Napoleon
League which was ranked against that maniac
as he tore across Europe. Lots of groups, but
their one problem was that the groups
agitated other groups. That agitation led to war.
The rich agitated each other, and their poor
citizens paid the ultimate price.

Now, we have the EU agitating its own
members. The group is terrorising its own
members. The EU is the enemy of many
of its own peripheral member countries,
and occupier of others, like Greece,
the new word for 'internal colony'.

All this means that, if we are to get into a grouping
all together, that grouping needs to stay out of our
collective hair. Otherwise, there will be a new
grouping that will take on
the fascistic, totalitarian extra-parliamentary
Euro Commission
and drag it into a
most polite, suit&tie paper conflict
that will lead to the EU's dissolution.
That's how ladies and gentlemen will
go to war.
BTW the Troika is actually killing
people. Death by Bureaucracy. Not nice. 

Sunday, 27 January 2013

Santelli vs Congress

no comments

piece of paper erases 20k year-old tradition of feeding humans

It is now too difficult for an American farmer to farm.
Therefore, it is time for people to starve.

Monsanto is suing everything & everyone.
Suuuuuueeeee Pigs.

So, the solution? Get insurance, you bonehead.
What if you can't afford it?
Stop farming, of course.

That's 20 000 years of human history that will soon
end, because of some lawyers.
20 000 years of cultivating and storing excess food
Surplus food was then the basis for exchange with
far away places. Look it up. the history of trade
was amazing.
Now, it's just a mercantilist dreamworld
of labour arbitrage and offshoring of profits that
is killing the Middle Class Miracle of the 20th c.

Well, if it all has to die, so be it.

Subsistence farming always was best for
the land, anyway. And there will be whole
armies of landless, workless people who
cannot get access to stolen bread such that
they can go to jail and get three square
meals and work for pennies for the
mercantilist class  in the prison factories.

Checkit: think progress

Farmers Told To Buy Insurance If They Don’t Want To Get Sued By Corporations
By Aviva Shen on Nov 21, 2012 at 9:00 am
Every year for the past 13 years, biotechnology giant Monsanto Company has sued about 11 farmers per year for patent infringement of their genetically modified corn and soybean seeds. Many of these farmers have had to pay a settlement to the corporation even when their fields were accidentally contaminated with GM seeds from a neighboring farm. Monsanto simply outspends the defendants, dedicating $10 million a year and 75 staffers for the sole purpose of investigating and prosecuting farmers. Farmers who have sued Monsanto back have been soundly defeated.
Monsanto is likely to continue this winning streak with an assist from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, which released a final report Monday absolving the biotech industry of contamination of non-GM seeds with their products from other fields. The USDA report concludes that organic and other non-GM farmers should simply buy insurance to protect against GMO contamination.
Essentially, Monsanto can sue these farmers all they want for patent infringement, but they are immune to challenges from organic farmers whose products are contaminated by GMOs. As one dissenting committee member commented:
    Any farmer/seed grower contaminated will not want to disclose the contamination because they are illegally in possession of a patented material and could be subject to legal action for theft of intellectual property. The committee refused to ever recognize this fact.[EVERYTHING WILL BE GM BY DEFAULT]

My accountant says: crappy magazine is tax ploy

Will the wonders of the Art of Accountancy never
cease to amaze us?

One would have thought that crap magazines were
designed to control low brow minds, especially
women in salons.

BUTT, no.

It's just another tax dodge.

checkitout:  The Guardian

Sky magazine tax loophole saved broadcaster up to £40m a year
Satellite broadcaster saved millions in VAT by charging Sky customers monthly fee for cable guide magazines
    Bibi van der Zee and David Leigh
    , Monday 19 November 2012 17.55 GMT
A magazine for satellite TV customers published by BSkyB was used as a tax avoidance scheme that saved the company up to £40m a year.
The broadcaster had been saving millions in VAT by charging satellite customers a nominal £2.20 a month for the Sky magazine, using a tax loophole that has now been closed. Magazines, along with books and newspapers, are normally zero-rated for VAT, and this meant Sky could avoid VAT on a small but significant percentage of revenue. The saving, at about £3 to £4 per person, would have amounted across Sky's 10 million subscribers to at least £30m to £40m a year.
A court battle involving Debenhams at the beginning of the decade highlighted the problem of VAT avoidance through the artificial splitting of services between different parts of a corporation.
But in 2005 UK courts ruled that cable companies were allowed to deduct VAT on "cable guide" magazines and similar publications, if they structured them so that customers did receive a genuine product from a separate company, delivered at a fair price.
In 2005 Sky relaunched BSkyB Publications with James Murdoch on the board, and in 2007 they took production of Sky magazine in-house and also began distributing Sky Sports magazine and Sky Movies magazine. A small note on the Sky magazine masthead in 2011 told readers: "£2.20 of your package price is paid by you to BSkyB Publications Ltd for this magazine."
Some readers raised objections on online talkboards to the fact that when they had tried to cancel the "crap" magazine they had been told that their subscription was discounted by the magazine's price, and if they opted out they would no longer get the discount.

The EU referendum is anti-Blairism in action

Thank you, David Cameron, of the royal lineage.

Your attempt to take the UK out of Europe is
being done only to keep Tony Blair from
becoming Euro President, after Barosso is
unceremoniously [fill in the blank. PLEASE].

Tony, always a risk taker, will have to become
the Catholic Swiss man that
he's always wanted to be.

In fact, being that he's British, he'd have been very
unpopular , for that reason, with the EU, not that
the President would be voted for by the public. So
far, the Brussels Mafia is unelected.

checkitout:  Daily mail

Tony Blair says being Eurosceptic is like a virus and the Tories have ‘got it really bad’
  Former Prime Minister admits Britain could leave the EU but it will be 'hugely destructive'
    David Cameron under pressure from Tory MPs to renegotiate relationship with Brussels
    Mr Blair uses speech to warn withdrawal for ‘a monumental error of statesmanship’
By Matt Chorley, Mailonline Political Editor
PUBLISHED: 11:54, 28 November 2012 | UPDATED: 02:05, 29 November 2012
Tony Blair said yesterday that Eurosceptics were a ‘virus’ blighting politics and that Britain would be a second-rate power if it left the EU.
The former prime minister warned that David Cameron’s policy of trying to repatriate powers would simply pave the way for withdrawal, which was being hastened by some Conservatives.

libertards battle to be King Scumbag

Dead or alive.
which is better, when speaking of Libertarians?

Libertarianism doesn't work. It's law of the jungle
for the poor,butt police & army protection , with
medical care, for the rich. Just ask Ron Paul.
Pretty soon, the poor will be eating rich, fat
livers with Chianti and farvar beans, in my estimation.

Libs are all now watching their stations
for anyone claiming to be of their ilk
who is not.

When erstwhile greedy neo-liberals want
to add some sizzle to their image,
they call themselves
Rand-y Libertarians before they go and
ruin the world's biggest economy, like
Greenspan just did.

the question is:
Rand or the Libertarians

Checkitout: zerohedge

Ayn Rand Was NOT a Libertarian
Submitted by George Washington on 11/29/2012 01:07 -0500
Many people assume that Ayn Rand was a champion of libertarian thought.
But Rand herself pilloried libertarians, condemning libertarianism as being a greater threat to freedom and capitalism than both modern liberalism and conservativism.  For example, Rand said:
    All kinds of people today call themselves “libertarians,” especially something calling itself the New Right, which consists of hippies, except that they’re anarchists instead of collectivists. But of course, anarchists are collectivists. Capitalism is the one system that requires absolute objective law, yet they want to combine capitalism and anarchism. That is worse than anything the New Left has proposed. It’s a mockery of philosophy and ideology. They sling slogans and try to ride on two bandwagons. They want to be hippies, but don’t want to preach collectivism, because those jobs are already taken. But anarchism is a logical outgrowth of the anti-intellectual side of collectivism. I could deal with a Marxist with a greater chance of reaching some kind of understanding, and with much greater respect. The anarchist is the scum of the intellectual world of the left, which has given them up. So the right picks up another leftist discard. That’s the Libertarian movement.
    I’d rather vote for Bob Hope, the Marx Brothers, or Jerry Lewis [than a candidate from the Libertarian Party].
    [The Libertarian Party is] a cheap attempt at publicity, which Libertarians won’t get. Today’s events, particularly Watergate, should teach anyone with amateur political notions that they cannot rush into politics in order to get publicity. The issue is so serious today, that to form a new party based in part on half-baked ideas, and in part on borrowed ideas—I won’t say from whom—is irresponsible, and in today’s context, nearly immoral.
    [Libertarians] are not defenders of capitalism. They’re a group of publicity seekers who rush into politics prematurely, because they allegedly want to educate people through a political campaign, which can’t be done. Further, their leadership consists of men of every of persuasion, from religious conservatives to anarchists. Moreover, most of them are my enemies: they spend their time denouncing me, while plagiarizing my ideas. Now, I think it’s a bad beginning for an allegedly pro-capitalist party to start by stealing ideas.
    Now here is a party that plagiarizes some of my ideas, mixes it with the exact opposite—with religionists, anarchists, and just about every intellectual misfit and scum they can find—and they call themselves Libertarians, and run for office. I dislike Reagan and Carter; I’m not too enthusiastic about the other candidates. But the worst of them are giants compared to anybody who would attempt something as un-philosophical, low, and pragmatic as the Libertarian Party. It is the last insult to ideas and philosophical consistency.
   [Question] Why don’t you approve of the Libertarians, thousands of whom are loyal readers of your works?
   [Rand] Because Libertarians are a monstrous, disgusting bunch of people: they plagiarize my ideas when that fits their purpose, and they denounce me in a more vicious manner than any communist publication, when that fits their purpose. They are lower than any pragmatists, and what they hold against Objectivism is morality. They’d like to have an amoral political program.
    The Libertarians aren’t worthy of being the means to any end, let alone the end of spreading Objectivism.
Rand also disagreed with libertarians on foreign policy.  For example, most libertarians - including Ron Paul - oppose military intervention against Iran, while the Ayn Rand Institute has supported forceful intervention in Iran.
... Murray Rothbard - founder of modern libertarianism, chief academic officer of leading libertarian think tank the Mises Institute, and one of the most important thinkers in the Austrian School of Economics - argued in 1972 that Rand was a champion for her own aggrandizement, not for liberty or reason.
Rothbard accused Rand -in a long but must-read essay - of being acting like a typical cult leader:
    The Ayn Rand cult ... flourished for just ten years in the 1960s.... It also promoted slavish dependence on the guru in the name of independence; adoration and obedience to the leader in the name of every person’s individuality; and blind emotion and faith in the guru in the name of Reason.
   Since every cult is grounded on a faith in the infallibility of the guru, it becomes necessary to keep its disciples in ignorance of contradictory infidel writings which may wean cult members away from the fold.
    Just as Communists are often instructed not to read anti-Communist literature, the Rand cult went further to disseminate what was virtually an Index of Permitted Books.
    The philosophical rationale for keeping Rand cultists in blissful ignorance was the Randian theory of "not giving your sanction to the Enemy."
   In a development eerily reminiscent of the organized hatred directed against the arch-heretic Emanuel Goldstein in Orwell’s 1984, Rand cultists were required to sign a loyalty oath to Rand; essential to the loyalty oath was a declaration that the signer would henceforth never read any future works of the apostate and arch-heretic Branden [Rand's number 2]. After the split, any Rand cultist seen carrying a book or writing by Branden was promptly excommunicated.

government smells revolt.refuses to act

Thanks to the internet Net of Nets,
we all now have access to the
incriminating evidence of how
the oligarchs of the world have
"sung from the same song sheet" and
decided to screw the rest of us.

So, we hand the evidence to the police,
and , after they shit themselves, they
ask David Cameron what to do
(London checks every orifice, before acting).

Then, they flatly refuse to co-operate in the
prosecution of criminality, because of the
DNA. The DNA of the guilty shows that
he's a banker or a politician.

They are demi-gods , you know. That's why
they've been made powerful, by the Fates.

and we were so close

checkitout: The Guardian

Offshore secrets: government refuses to act on disclosures

UK Land Registry allows buyers to conceal identities by recording anonymous offshore entity as the purchaser
    David Leigh
    , Wednesday 28 November 2012 20.36 GMT
Offshore owners of British houses and office blocks are to continue to be allowed to conceal their identities, the business department has said. A spokesman said the coalition government wanted to "encourage foreign investment".
The BIS department, headed by Vince Cable, has refused to act on disclosures by the Guardian's Offshore Secrets series this week, that the price of housing is being driven up in London by thousands of secret buyers, some from controversial regimes. The UK Land Registry, part of BIS, allows buyers to conceal their identities by recording an anonymous British Virgin Islands offshore entity as the purchaser, often incorporated purely to disguise the true ownership.
A BIS spokesman said: "The UK encourages foreign investment and has no plans to stop overseas companies from registering as owners of property with the Land Registry."

better than 5 star hotels in Italy

What we have here is a nascent political
movement that is taking baby steps
towards changing the corrupt political
system in Italy.

The leader is a tv personality, Beppe Grillo,
 who banned himself from tv, and his movement,
because it is run by Berlusconi in one guise
or another.

Let's try it. every country needs a Beppe Grillo

checkitout:  cinque stelle

A deadlock in parliament following the next election may mean re-appointment of Mario Monti but the surge for the Five Star Movement is encouraging.
For more on M5S and founder Beppe Grillo, please see Six Reasons Why Italy May Exit the Euro Before Spain; Ultimate Occupy Movement.
Main Rules for the Five Star Movement
    Not be an elected politician prior to 5 Stelle
    Commit to stay in charge for no longer than 2 terms
    Commit to take a minimum salary and give the rest back to the community
    Post a public platform on the internet
    Be willing to hold a public debate on the platform
Beppe Grillo's personal position, not a mandate for the Five Star Movement is "Get out of the Euro and default on debt".
From Andrea in the above link ...
    Five Star Movement candidates have been able to get almost everywhere between 10 and 20% of votes, sometimes even more, all without a single minute of TV advertising or a single advertising page on newspapers.


extra special racism for the Welsh

This is what the English have. I've seen it.
They sound all wonderful, like sun shines
out their butts. Save the world. feed the
poor. Wright the wrongs.

Until you talk about the unfortunate Welsh.

Then they pull out all the stops. It really requires
psychological analysis. They hate the Welsh.

I think the Welsh are awesome folks. Perhaps
there's something in that. The English are
jealous of people who aren't sick and bitter,
like them.

Anyway, the Daily Mail is racist at the best of
They can easily find a self-hating Welshman,
probably easier than a "self-hating" Jw who
just wants peace and justice.

Anyway, I digress.

Also, you'll see how Welsh education is
portrayed as backward, even by the Welsh.
That's what centuries of English teachers
kicking the shit out of the Welsh-speaking
students will do. Self hate. self blaming.

BTW Welsh-medium schools are full to bursting

checkitout: Daily mail

Tyranny of the Welsh Taliban: Children told they can't go to the loo if they ask in English. Architects shunned if their plans aren't in Welsh. ROGER LEWIS on the nutty Welsh Language Society
By Roger Lewis
PUBLISHED: 02:02, 26 November 2012 | UPDATED: 02:02, 26 November 2012
Half a century ago, I was born in Caerphilly Miners' Hospital and raised across the sludge of the Rhymney River in Bedwas, Monmouthshire, where my family owned the village butcher's shop, which had been in operation since 1868 but has since closed.
I was a Mixed Infant at primary school locally, and the Eleven Plus having been abolished, I was then a pupil at the comprehensive in Bassaleg, near Newport.
I am therefore Welsh - and very proudly Welsh. But I've never spoken the Welsh language, except for the odd untranslatable word like 'cwtch', which means 'cuddle', 'cosy', 'safe' or 'hidden', and 'mochyn', which though it means 'pig' is nevertheless always affectionately meant, when you are called it, like 'rascal' or scallywag'. I also know that 'Popty-Ping' is the word for microwave.
Welsh and English according to law should be treated equally
In South Wales, where I am from, there was never any tradition of Welsh speaking. And at the turn of the last century, though my great-grandparents spoke Welsh to each other, they deliberately didn't impart the Welsh to their 11 children, because they wanted them to be able to get on in life. [INDIRECT SELF-INFLICTED RACISM]
Rightly or wrongly, English was seen as the language of the future, Welsh as the sign of regional backwardness.
... Where else can they go but Wales? Patagonia? They are ill-equipped for anywhere else the other side of the Severn Bridge.
 Even Bristol will be abroad. How can you teach French in Welsh to children who think in English? It creates a maze of confusion.
I have been told that English-sounding announcers on Radio Wales have been purged; that the Welsh Arts Council turned their back on the great artist Sir Kyffin Williams because he had a posh accent and a moustache; and that Sir Anthony Hopkins and comedian Rob Brydon would never land an acting role on BBC Wales in 2012 because they don't speak the old lingo.
... I asked a former colleague of mine at Oxford, whose speciality was changing speech habits in the United Kingdom from 1800 to 1914.
He explained that an analysis of the late 19th-century census data revealed that Welsh-speaking was in steep decline and that, left to its own devices, the language would have 'died of inanition because Welsh people themselves were casting it off as a mark of backwardness'.
... Correct me if I'm wrong, but as of yet there isn't a Welsh Shakespeare.
However, Welsh has survived - initially because of a political deal done in Whitehall when the Liberal Government in 1907 created a  Welsh Department of the Board of Education, which 'captured state resources' i.e. taxpayers' loot, and allowed Welsh to be taught in the schools and artificially revived.

calling Prof Keen

Have you seen this?
Professor Keen of the Uni of Western Sydney
is taking down neo-liberal economics,
brick by brick.
But that's only the upper echelons of this

If you want to complete the clean up
you need to get the Economics students
excited about it too. Here's how.
with models
[buzzfeed- check the curves. moving left then right,
leading your eyes to the Pie-thagorus triangle]

Checkitout:  Adbusters

Be part of the exciting revolution underway in economic science.
09 November 2012
Hey all you cultural creatives and heterodox thinkers,
Occupy Wall Street created a fissure in global consciousness . . .
Now it's time to throw a mindbomb into the chasm:
This book breaks the mathematical spell of mainstream economics and infuses it with some much-needed improvisational jazz. It features thinkers, ideas and models – bionomics, psychonomics, degrowth – that have been purged from the leading econ departments across the Western world.
Meme Wars will be launched November 13 by Seven Stories Press in the US, Random House in Canada, Penguin in the UK, and Reimann in Germany.
We hope it riles you up and catalyzes a revolt against the suicidal formalism they are currently being taught. A number of such campus revolts – especially at Harvard, University of Paris, Oxford, Cambridge, Chicago – could trigger a larger uprising against the keepers of global economic orthodoxy.

Want to be part of this revolution in economic science?

Put your university at the forefront of a monumental shift in the theoretical foundations of economic science, now underway. If you can overhaul the economics department at your school, then eventually, together, we can shift the paradigm. History shows us that this is exactly how revolutions in thought have happened in the past. Students, it is in your power to shift the theoretical foundations of economic science.
Bring analysis to action with this easy step – converge upon, download a poster, print it, and post it in the corridors of your campus and beyond. We're aiming to ignite a raging meme war not just on campus, but across the entire mindscape . . .
Students, imagine how your profs will respond when you start demanding answers to questions such as these: How do you measure progress, Mr. Professor? How does climate change factor into our study of economics? Is economic progress killing the planet? Does economics suffer from physics envy . . . is it even an exact science?
Let's pull off the ultimate jam for the fate of humanity . . . A paradigm shift in the theoretical foundations of economic science!
Check out the review in the Guardian online, or check out some of our Kickitover campaign posters in the spread about Meme Wars in the hard-copy of the Guardian: here.