Your attempt to take the UK out of Europe is
being done only to keep Tony Blair from
becoming Euro President, after Barosso is
unceremoniously [fill in the blank. PLEASE].
Tony, always a risk taker, will have to become
the Catholic Swiss man that
he's always wanted to be.
In fact, being that he's British, he'd have been very
unpopular , for that reason, with the EU, not that
the President would be voted for by the public. So
far, the Brussels Mafia is unelected.
checkitout: Daily
Blair says being Eurosceptic is like a virus and the Tories have ‘got it really
Former Prime Minister admits Britain could
leave the EU but it will be 'hugely destructive'
David Cameron under pressure from Tory MPs
to renegotiate relationship with Brussels
Mr Blair uses speech to warn withdrawal for
‘a monumental error of statesmanship’
Matt Chorley, Mailonline Political Editor
11:54, 28 November 2012 | UPDATED: 02:05, 29 November 2012
Blair said yesterday that Eurosceptics were a ‘virus’ blighting politics and
that Britain would be a second-rate power if it left the EU.
former prime minister warned that David Cameron’s policy of trying to
repatriate powers would simply pave the way for withdrawal, which was being
hastened by some Conservatives.