Wednesday, 30 January 2013

the winter of 95 theses

In much the same way that the printing press brought
massive change to the world of the 15th and 16th
centuries, so the Net of Nets will bring massive
change to our lives, and just in time.

We need Occupy and Anonymous and others to keep
the issues of freedom of speech front and centre as
we put the squeeze on our cheating politicians
and their buddies.

The printing press led to the re-translation of the Bible
and that made it possible for Martin Luther to see that
the Catholic Church had promoted the Bible the way that
it wanted to. Martin soon fixed that.
He posted the 95 theses on a church door, and
set the ball rolling for righteous protest.
Hell, he was even the reason for naming another
righteous protester: Martin Luther King Jr
MLKJr's legacy is still with us 50 years after his
assassination. But, I digress.

In that vein, I will create my set of 95 theses on subjects
which are important to us:

95 theses on Internet freedom
95 theses on control of governments by magnates
95 theses on improving democracy
95 theses on the 99%
stay tuned