Sunday, 27 January 2013

piece of paper erases 20k year-old tradition of feeding humans

It is now too difficult for an American farmer to farm.
Therefore, it is time for people to starve.

Monsanto is suing everything & everyone.
Suuuuuueeeee Pigs.

So, the solution? Get insurance, you bonehead.
What if you can't afford it?
Stop farming, of course.

That's 20 000 years of human history that will soon
end, because of some lawyers.
20 000 years of cultivating and storing excess food
Surplus food was then the basis for exchange with
far away places. Look it up. the history of trade
was amazing.
Now, it's just a mercantilist dreamworld
of labour arbitrage and offshoring of profits that
is killing the Middle Class Miracle of the 20th c.

Well, if it all has to die, so be it.

Subsistence farming always was best for
the land, anyway. And there will be whole
armies of landless, workless people who
cannot get access to stolen bread such that
they can go to jail and get three square
meals and work for pennies for the
mercantilist class  in the prison factories.

Checkit: think progress

Farmers Told To Buy Insurance If They Don’t Want To Get Sued By Corporations
By Aviva Shen on Nov 21, 2012 at 9:00 am
Every year for the past 13 years, biotechnology giant Monsanto Company has sued about 11 farmers per year for patent infringement of their genetically modified corn and soybean seeds. Many of these farmers have had to pay a settlement to the corporation even when their fields were accidentally contaminated with GM seeds from a neighboring farm. Monsanto simply outspends the defendants, dedicating $10 million a year and 75 staffers for the sole purpose of investigating and prosecuting farmers. Farmers who have sued Monsanto back have been soundly defeated.
Monsanto is likely to continue this winning streak with an assist from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, which released a final report Monday absolving the biotech industry of contamination of non-GM seeds with their products from other fields. The USDA report concludes that organic and other non-GM farmers should simply buy insurance to protect against GMO contamination.
Essentially, Monsanto can sue these farmers all they want for patent infringement, but they are immune to challenges from organic farmers whose products are contaminated by GMOs. As one dissenting committee member commented:
    Any farmer/seed grower contaminated will not want to disclose the contamination because they are illegally in possession of a patented material and could be subject to legal action for theft of intellectual property. The committee refused to ever recognize this fact.[EVERYTHING WILL BE GM BY DEFAULT]