and its place in the timeline of European history.
I was at a little cafe chat about Euroskepticism,
and I'm here to report that it is flourishing.
I'm really glad that it's now dragging the
British government along with it.
I foresee however that the Eurocrats will
create the fear of taking the EU to the
brink of war, but eventually they'll lose
the political battle and thus the EU will
slowly die to be replaced by .....Dunno
Europe, until 1945 was known as the
Cauldron of the White Devil because
Europeans had a regular habit of
annihilating one another at alarmingly
regular intervals. So, the idea was
to create a political grouping that
would keep us from killing our
fellow Europeans.
The EU now thinks that we are in a new world
where the rules of yesteryear do not apply.
Unfortunately, the EU forgot that there
used to be plenty of European groupings
for the protection of their members. They
were known as treaty groups, and they
were designed to defend members from
the enemy.
For example, there was the I Hate Napoleon
League which was ranked against that maniac
as he tore across Europe. Lots of groups, but
their one problem was that the groups
agitated other groups. That agitation led to war.
The rich agitated each other, and their poor
citizens paid the ultimate price.
Now, we have the EU agitating its own
members. The group is terrorising its own
members. The EU is the enemy of many
of its own peripheral member countries,
and occupier of others, like Greece,
the new word for 'internal colony'.
All this means that, if we are to get into a grouping
all together, that grouping needs to stay out of our
collective hair. Otherwise, there will be a new
grouping that will take on
the fascistic, totalitarian extra-parliamentary
Euro Commission
and drag it into a
most polite, suit&tie paper conflict
that will lead to the EU's dissolution.
That's how ladies and gentlemen will
go to war.
BTW the Troika is actually killing
people. Death by Bureaucracy. Not nice.