Sunday, 27 January 2013

Boris saves the Donut Hole, again

Boris Johnson is the leader of the Greater
London civic government, but that
does not include the "City" of London which
is a private duchy and offshore destination
inside the EU.
That doesn't mean that Boris is unaware
of how to get his bread buttered. So,
when he has the chance, he tells anybody
whose listening to send their ill-gotten gains
to London, and not to those "socialist Frenchies"

Cool, Boris. Don't mention the all-mighty
battle that the sane world is going
all Occupy about: the ending of the
Parallel Banking Universe, the black
hole that eats the public's money.

Boris looks like a man who never said
no to a doughnut, but his favourite is
the doughnut hole. The City

BTW I think this in/out EU stuff is probably
just a proxy battle for the usurping of
London's place of pride overseeing
all banking because their scams have
enslaved everyone else in the Union.

 1 automatic earth

... Britain threatens to veto EU bank supervisor

Britain has threatened to veto the creation of a new eurozone banking supervisor unless the European Union also agrees to protect the City of London from protectionist financial regulation.[ONCE CORRUPT, ALWAYS CORRUPT- Costick67]
During a meeting of EU finance ministers, Greg Clark, the Financial Secretary to the Treasury, warned that without guarantees Britain would not give its support to a plan for the European Central Bank to become the eurozone’s financial regulator.

... French bank governor Christian Noyer calls for City of London to be sidelined as Europe's financial hub
London should be stripped of its status as Europe's main financial hub and sidelined to allow the eurozone to "control" transactions within the 17-nation bloc, the governor of the Bank of France has said.
Christian Noyer told the Financial Times that there was "no rationale" for allowing the eurozone's financial centre to be "offshore". "Most of the euro business should be done inside the euro area. It's linked to the capacity of the central bank to provide liquidity and ensure oversight of its own currency," he said.[BRAVE AND JUST, EVEN THOUGH IT WILL BE USED BY EU TO HARM US FURTHER. NOW THE GAME HAS GONE TOO FAR, COUNTRIES ARE STARTING TO PULL APART. WAR SOON?- Costick67]

2 Rowan's blog

The City of London is a criminal sink
 Understanding the ‘...Anomie of Affluence...’!
Boris Johnson has accused France of a “naked attempt to steal London’s financial crown” ahead of a battle between the European Union’s finance ministers over new powers for a Frankfurt banking supervisor.
As much as I quite like Boris for his outspoken qualities, he is a shameless opportunist and he sees in this issue, an opportunity to arouse the British general distrust of the French over issues of Europe, while appearing to beat the drum for the City of London. But what drum is he beating, and why so loud? If we can get past this juvenile diatribe of intellectual dishonesty, and focus for once on some facts, we may just begin to see the City of London in its real light. For too long, influential British politicians have routinely parroted this nonsense of the supremacy of the City of London, of the need to protect its unique place in the financial universe, the rare quality of its servants, and its importance to the UK economy, in order to justify its existence, and to provide some justification for its dubious criminogenic practices!

It is only recently, in the middle of a deep depression, predicated by the financial collapse driven by the dishonesty and greed of the banking sector, and which we are now being told will last for at least another six years, that we are focusing our minds more closely on the role and function of the Square Mile, and what many intelligent people are now asking is 'What does the City really do for us?'
... Just listen to some of the questioning!
The former chairman of HBOS washed his hands of blame for the bank’s collapse.
Lord Stevenson, who earned £815,000 a year in pay and perks, infuriated MPs and peers by saying reckless lending was not his fault because he was ‘only there part-time’.
Well, that's alright then, he only turned up part of the time, presumably to trouser his huge salary and his expenses, and no doubt shovel a vast meal down his well-oiled throat!
 'Och, it's no ma fault, d'inna ye ken! I wasn'ae there when the dodgy decisions were being made!
What the fuck do you have to do in this country to get paid £815,000 a year but have no responsibilities for the well-being of your company? You couldn't make this crap up, but here he was, sitting in front of men and women he would once have grandly patronised, repeating this garbage with a straight face!
The politicians accused him of ‘living in cloud cuckoo land’ and showed him a damning letter in which he had earlier admitted he was legally responsible for the business.
His testimony during which he appeared increasingly rattled and started to lose his voice, was described as ‘evasive, unrealistic and repetitive’.