This time in which we are living is an age of extremes. It calls to mind the rise and fall of the dinosaurs whose size and destructiveness led to their downfall, but not before they ran into humans (Hi, S.Palin fans!). Now, certain humans are taking the place of those massive, all-consuming dinosaurs, wandering the planet plundering all before them.
Stockasaurus Soros, Sharasaurus Buffetorus, Ragasaurus Murdochus, Retailasaurus Waltonus.
They rend asunder the livelihoods, savings, and lodgings of their defenseless victims. They add nothing to the world, except the golden shower which 'trickles down' on occasion. Meanwhile, their feces would require millennia to become oil and thus merely stink up the place, wherever it is that they don't reside, of course. You see, these beasts have developed to the level that they externalise all problems. Their victims pay for them. How is this done? These great shadowmakers believe that the corporation is an individual, yet, unlike people, it exists without the requirement for social cohesion or morals; in other words, it is also a monster. Oh, and they've blackmailed or bribed all the major governments of the world.
They will most certainly lead the Earth to cataclysm because they cannot be restrained by any law. Socrates said that the Law is like a spiderweb. The great and large walk right through it, and the small, like bugs, get stuck. I, Cos67, add that it is the larger-than-life monsters and their lesser scavenging dinosaur pals, the Politicus Spinicus Mendicans, who have set up these very webs in that specific way. In fact they do have eight limbs..... like Vishnu, but most of those appendages reside up their own poop-chutes and thus don't see the light of day.