The British cabinet's justice guy, Strawman, is playing both sides of the street on the issue of prisons. With his leftie pals, he talks about the opportunity to re-educate the poor souls that the police forces are forever chucking into the dank corrections edifices. Fluff! His practical side believes that the money that is being saved from cuts to education (see yellowed post below) should be spent on building more prisons. And we shouldn't scrimp. 'Let the private sector do it up right. They'll take care of the unionised guards once and for all.'
This is visible politics in action. Education lives in the minds of the populace, but most of them don't realise what a gift it is. Prisons, on the other hand, are a blight on the landscape. Thus they are sink-holes for the hatred generated by life's stresses. The Sun and Daily Mail keep our noses deep into those institutions by screaming for bread thieves to be sent to the gallows. That should keep those few pesky leftists from bothering the Queen's rightful representatives in the cabinet.
[see 'Straw man' editorial Guardian Tuesday, 28 October 2008]