This is Cos67 signing on for the first time on 8th November 2K+8. Stay tuned for my testimony on things witnessed in the world around me and all of us: gnarly politics, social issues, entertainment, random thoughts, UFO photos (tampered with), travel, nutty people and cases of folks simply being excellent. Cos67 has just entered the building blogging.
Why blog? I have found throughout my life that nobody wants to talk about anything of importance. Personalities often get in the way; people can be arses. So, enjoy my disembodied brain. It's ALIVE!
I hope to be to blogging what Banksy is to art, except I wasn't born and raised as a toff. No offence to Sir Banksimus.
My name was created as a sign of respect for Taki 183. We are all a number in this world, so why not choose your own?
I resolve to make my stories short and sour; short enough for each to be read in one visit to the loo, if your bog is wired, that is.
I am not related to any other cos67 in the US, East Asia or anywhere else.