Sunday, 23 November 2008

Rove v Wade-a-minit, part 1

Electioneering is such a refined art. The pursuit of bending and contorting the public's will, once every 1400 days, is the bedrock of our democracy. So, when I see strategists like Karl Rove helping many recent failed campaigns in the US, I take off my hat to a man who knows how to spread a message. Case in point: An Indiana [I don't see no Indians] election official of unknown political affiliation 'distributed a blog that called Barack Obama a "young, black Adolph Hitler."'
In another case, there was an 'email (sic - indeed)... sent to Jewish voters warning of a "second Holocaust" if the Democrat was elected.' [That one was sent to us by Vata Putz].
At many American universities, those bastions of higher thought and debate, the week before the election was, for no apparent reason, the time to have "Islamofascism Awareness Week"'. I suppose they wanted to clear up the belief among the semi-educated that Obama was a Muslim and thus a fascist.
Those rank highly, even next to the claims in the Texas governor's race, that GWBushwacker won, when Rove started a whispering campaign that the female then-governor was a lesbian. That was enough to tilt the balance in favour of the Clan's favourite son.
In 2000, the same source provided the news that John McCain had an illegitimate black child, though that must not have been referring to his adopted black son. Right?
THE PRECEDING MESSAGE WAS BROUGHT TO YOU BY THE DEMOCRACY NGO 'SARCASM' and its message "keep truthing, keep blogging, and keep your eyes on those faulty voting machines."
[see A Karpf 'Islamofascist slanders' Guardian Tues 4 November 2008 p30]