There was a stunning example of obfuscation on last night's BBC 'Question Time' show. Every time the issue of bankers- giving-1.79 billion- pounds-in-bonuses-with-the-public's- money came up, ALL the people, politicians and non, in the panel avoided the issue and changed the topic. And the BBC's Dimbleby was in on the scam too. Nobody offered to spank the bankers. Nobody. That, my friends, is the democratic deficit (Chomsky) in action. I also noticed that the UKIP politician, who was supposed to be anti-establishment, was taking bullets for Labour's Straw. KIPper was deflecting tough political questions with his own very entertaining..... twaddle. Political theatre at its best. Look it up.
[Remember, that show is supposed to be a sop to democracy because it's so hard to be heard by that herd downtown.]
[pic: Wang "Searching for Buddha", materialism (promoted by governments and media) gets in the way of wisdom.]