There was a recent show in which Labour's John Prescott tried to exchange ideas with people of all walks of life about the class system in the UK (The Class System and Me). For the uninitiated, he grew up working class in Yorkshire, me tinks, so he fancies himself a working class hero (he's now very affluent).
Note 1: Mocking the show, Jim Shelley in the Guardian wrote:
"Prezza is tucking in to (sic) lobster thermidor. 'What peopff fugutt is claff is in your blurgh.' [trans: What people forget is class is in your blood.]
Note 2: When I mocked his violent temper in front of a particular, apparently well-educated, colleague, this person snapped to his defense saying something like: "He's a gentleman and the only working class man in the government." My immediate reaction was 'Look at what the workers have to idolise. A guy who gives GWBushwacker a run for his money for neologisms and generally not making a lot of sense'. But, I have always felt that it was impressive that he at least made it to second-in-command in Labour, even if his work came to naught-for-10 years, especially for the working class.
I Have Finally Figured It Out. He was working class and failed his 11ses exam, and yet he got into Oxford? (He graduated, like GWB (from Yale), without being able to talk proper!?) This must mean that, due to his unique character, he was Chosen very early to become the Uncle Tom to his kind; for a whole generation of the working class. A master stroke. They've prevented the next revolution, for now.
Tuesday, 11 November 2008
Prezzi for the working class
no class,
the chosen few,
Uncle Tom-like