In it, he expands on his later theories:
Marx claimed that almost everything in the world has been made, intentionally or not, into an opiate for the people, by those same people or their governments and businesses. Especially some 'thing' which he called an idiot box. He would not explain, except to say it hadn’t been fully developed yet.

A brief excerpt of the interview
3CP1: You mentioned opiates.... like religion, alcohol, drugs, literature, ....footie even?
Marx: Yes, except Man United. Engels just loves them. I know not why.
3CP1: Is there anything which is not an opiate?
Marx: All zat is essential for life: work, family, food, proletarian revolution.
3CP1: Let's talk about family for a moment. How did you reach this conclusion?
Marx: I got zat idea from a colleague. I don’t understand family, myself. My wife doesn’t talk to me because she says I'm long-vinded and her tea-party friends think I'm a troublemaker. My kids call me ‘boring old fart’ and valk out of ze room. I don’t pay much attention to zem anyway, but...
3CP1: Enough, thanks. Do you think that communism is practical?
Marx: I am an ideas man. I leave zat to politicians. Bunch of chancers! I suppose left-wing extremists will seize on it, or perhaps governments with a victim agenda, like one country I know vich was forced by another, at gun-point, to import Opium.
3CP1: What country would be cruel enough to do that?

Marx: I don't remember, but business greed makes people do f**ked-up things to each ozzer. Engels told me about zis big island vere vorkers toiled for 12 hours a day, six days a veek for just enough money to feed zemselves. And the stores were selling zem sawdust in zeir flour. And yet ze poor spent all zeir extra money on beer and football. Zat's ze situation zat got me sinkingk.
3CP1: Thinking what?
Marx: Zat people are bleedingk stupid, dumkopf. Zey need ideas to set zem free.
3CP1: So, what if people try communism and it fails?
Marx: Zen I'll look pretty good.
3CP1: What the fluk? Huh?
Marx: Zats right. Rich people vill think zey've totally screwed ze vorkers and zen zey'll insert zeir heads straight into zeir arses. If ze vorkers von't accept abject slavery, zere vill be wars for zem to die in,

zen if zey manage to save money, zey'll have zeir savings confiscated in several scandals over 30 years. Con after neo-con. People vill be starving. After zat, all bets are off. The scheisse vill hit ze fan.
3CP1: Where will this happen?
Marx: I am not a prophet, but zat island and its spawn are the best candidates. Maybe some far-off republic. Yes, zat's it. Republicans!

3CP1: But, these are democracies.
Marx: Ha! The Athenians tried democracy, and vere are zey now? Shagging sheep and fleecing tourist. Or is it ze ozzer vay around? Verdammich!
Do you know vat I think of democracy?
3CP1: What?

Marx: Okay. I vas just elected, let's say, so I vill tell you in anozzer 4 years. In ze meantime, sit on hands please, ...........oh, and shut-up. Zat's vat I think. Meanvile, I'll help myself to your money. If you don't like zat, I vill have you meet ze police. Nice fellows having big weapons.