My umpteenth visit to Brick Lane, E1 London. Even on a soggy day, parts are wall-to-wall people with brave buttheads trying to negotiate the street in their vehicles. Adding to the soundtrack are busking bands and 70's funkadelia.
The most interesting stuff is the artisan clothing, accessories and just, well, art. Some of the vestments are way weird, but I think they qualify as eye candy, because I'm not buying anyway. Checking out some people who do wear all manner of clothing off these racks, I find they are admirable, if only for their persistent desire to be odd. I tip my used trilby to them, which reminds me of the wacked out used clothing; it's everywhere!
I can safely say there's a t-shirt here for you, if only in theory, or else you're just not alive. Visit, check pulse, get back to me.
This time, I noticed a whole paillo de Italians. They know their stuff, from my experience. Si, certo. Maybe they're fashion spies.
[The title is in honour of Ali of Berkshire, a famous bricklayer.]
[Here's a few bricks for ya]