Monday 4 April 2016

TTIP your hat to China

Updates 2 and 3: Trump kills TPP/TTIP
by exec order.
Also, we see another angle of TPP geo-
politics. The US wanted to control as
many Pacific Rim countries as possible
through TPP so that they don't fall into
the sway of China, cuz China knows
how to woo a country. Since this entry
was written, Philippines' Duterte has
told O to Flock off, and ended a
century of poverty brought on by US
fielty, and brought in the  Chinese who
will build him a world-class port.  
Update 1: Recently, Max Keiser asked one of his
East Asia expert guests whether TTIP is really in
the interests of the US, seeing as it goes against
the interests of China from whom the US gets
the crap that fills every Walmart from sea to polluted sea.
 (video below)
Update since I started writing this entry, the CETA deal
has been signed. It has not been ratified yet, but if it goes
in, the TTIP that everybody was warned about was
trumped by the CETA, that, despite being 7 years in the
making, I had never heard of!! It is also the backdoor
that allows US businesses, through their NAFTA trade
deal, to enter the EU. So TTIP is redundant. But the
US will get that deal signed too, just because they
do not wish to be seen to be upstaged by Canada.
I finally figured out how the oligarchs in charge
of TTIP (and TPP) have managed to get governments
to the negotiating table.

I still don't know why they have never looked at
the anti-democratic corporatocracy document
that is the TTIP/TPP and just said :
"I can't support this agreement
because I will be strung up 
by my shorts."
It really is that stark a choice.

Now the reason is:
the fear of a Chinese planet

Now, that may seem bizarre for many reasons.
The chief reason is that China still makes the 
cheapest mass-produced goodies that we all
buy (admit it). There's no way to compete 
unless   ........
they use TTIP to batter everybody's wages down to Chinese level!
How can we compete when the pollution levels in China
are criminally high? same answer. Use TTIP to allow
companies to do whatever they want. 
So, my summation is that US and the now clearly,
acknowledged second-rate countries like 
Canada, New Zealand, Singapore, Malaysia
want to keep up with China by going anti-democratic.

In China's case, it's a communist dictatorship, with 
money for most people.
In the case of the TTIP/TPP countries, it'll be an
oligarchic corporatocracy with money for
oligarchic corporatists only
Well done, Western democracies.
You've now sunk below the depravity of a communist
dictatorship. I blame Richard Nixon for all this.

I know how the oligarchs have done most of their work. It's
a simple bait and switch. They promise a China-beating plan
and then make the negotiations on false pretenses, not
allowing anybody to study the document, because it holds
the awful truth. But, once it's signed, they're like
any fly-by-night business legalese:
"well, you did sign here, didn't you"

Keiser 988 at 15:48 and before too

checkit: Liberty blitzkrieg
Merkel “Surprised” as Hundreds of Thousands March in Berlin Against TTIP “Corporate Dictatorship”
Michael Krieger | Posted Monday Oct 12, 2015 at 1:23 pm
In what is being described as the largest German protest in recent years, hundreds of thousands of enraged citizens descended upon Berlin over the weekend to voice their collective displeasure at the government’s attempt to consolidate corporate dictatorship by passing a democracy killing agreement being marketed as a “free trade” deal, known as the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP).
The TTIP is basically the TPP but between the U.S. and Europe as opposed to the U.S. and Asia and parts of Latin America. Like the TPP, it further consolidates corporate power, destroys consumer protections and has been negotiated entirely in secret. For prior articles on the TPP, see:
How the TPP Could Lead to Worldwide Internet Censorship
U.S. State Department Upgrades Serial Human Rights Abuser Malaysia to Include it in the TPP
Julian Assange on the TPP – “Deal Isn’t About Trade, It’s About Corporate Control”
Trade Expert and TPP Whistleblower – “We Should Be Very Concerned about What’s Hidden in This Trade Deal”
As the Senate Prepares to Vote on “Fast Track,” Here’s a Quick Primer on the Dangers of the TPP
It seems the Germans aren’t prepared to take this assault lying down. We learn from Reuters that:
At least 150,000 people marched in Berlin on Saturday in protest against a planned free trade deal between Europe and the United States that they say is anti-democratic and will lower food safety, labor and environmental standards.
Organizers – an alliance of environmental groups, charities and opposition parties – said 250,000 people had taken part in the rally against free trade deals with both the United States and Canada, far more than they had anticipated.
“This is the biggest protest that this country has seen for many, many years,” Christoph Bautz, director of citizens’ movement Campact told protesters in a speech.
That’s all well and good, but does it even matter? Japan recently saw its largest demonstrations in a generation against Abe’s “war legislation,” and he passed it anyway. Citizen opinion simply doesn’t matter in a neo-feudal oligarchy posing as a democracy.
Opposition to the so-called Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) has risen over the past year in Germany, with critics fearing the pact will hand too much power to big multinationals at the expense of consumers and workers.
“What bothers me the most is that I don’t want all our consumer laws to be softened,” Oliver Zloty told Reuters TV. “And I don’t want to have a dictatorship by any companies.”
Now here’s the most interesting part. Merkel was completely caught off guard. As such, her government immediately rushed to propagandize via the media.
The level of resistance has taken Chancellor Angela Merkel’s government by surprise and underscores the challenge it faces to turn the tide in favor of the deal which proponents say will create a market of 800 million and serve as a counterweight to China’s economic clout.
In a full-page letter published in several German newspapers on Saturday, Economy Minister Sigmar Gabriel warned against “scaremongering”.
Personally, I would have gone with “scaremongering, conspiracy theorist, racist, sexist, anti-semitic, kooks.”
“We have the chance to set new and goods standards for growing global trade. With ambitious, standards for the environment and consumers and with fair conditions for investment and workers. This must be our aim,” Gabriel wrote.
Businesses hope the trade deal will deliver over $100 billion of economic gains on both sides of the Atlantic.
Even if that number proves to be true, we all know where 99.9% of that $100 billion would go. Straight to the bank accounts of the oligarchs, just like the trillions of dollars in central bank “stimulus” did. That’s just how rigged, neo-feudal oligarchies work.
Now for a few photos from the rally:
This will give you a sense of its size:
Now here’s Merkel blowing up democracy with a TTIP bomb:
Finally, nothing gets you in the mood like a little make out session between Merkel and a horned Obama