Thursday 29 April 2010

lingua lessone

This is a lesson in how to listen to people who don't speak English very well.

To help you Anglos, let me teach you some Italian through a letter from a foreign politician,
some body Italian:

Dear powerful Western governments,

You knowa when we saw the fony, funny, I don't know,
the funny American papers... the derib...las deravativas.
Si, that mierda!

Remember how it screw up the economy. Eh?
It costa trillion or two or ten.

Okay, I no speak Englisha well, but I know those bad guys on Wall Street.
We hid our debta to trick the Euro stupidos.
Well, we got into beda with dem. Now we gotta disease on the assa.

Three month ago, I told you to stop these boys. They are like da Mafia.
They want my cojones, and my daughter.
I can't get a loan no more.

You no listen to me! Now we stuck.

I ask for help now.
I say 'stoppa those boys.'
You say, 'you bad, you go broke' 'go away'

Okay, I had a nice life. I took the money. Okay.
But now, we in trouble, I tell you! Me and you.

Now your stock market, it falls 5% every day. So sorry.
You should listen to me. I tell you!

My ship, she's sinking and you guys are next.
Happy capitalism.

Best wishes and fanculo,

PM, Greece
For the deaf, and people who no speak English, and I have these pictures to show how I feel about bad Western governments who no listen, the coglioni.


Tuesday 27 April 2010

the latest in Neanderthal nighties and CroMagnon swimsuits

[pic- You do realise, they're from the same species- Homonids. But, she's got bad taste]

Don't laugh. Some of our ancestors were pretty horny bastards.
Let me explain.
Usually, if you cross (read: conduct nookey between) one breed with another,
nothing happens.
Lion with a duck. Nothing
Elephant with a mouse. nothing

As it turns out, if you cross two human species, you might get a child.
A really ugly one, but a live one, no doubt. That's the theory.
This is what research has shown:
Apparently, the stats on our gene pool cannot be explained by
homo sapien on (literally) homo sapien breeding.
Apparently there's a little Neanderthal tush;
a rather squat 'skeleton' in our collective closets.

In much the same way as with AIDS coming from monkeys,
I feel sorry for the guy who had to cross sub-species barriers
just to get some.

Anyway, I think we'll learn to live it down.
we've all had ugly dates. Nice from far, but far from nice.
"Hey, baby, you look better, the drunker I get."

These studies will eventually locate someone with Neanderthal blood.

I'd like to make a first venture in this effort.
Taking the descriptions from Wikipedia of the differences in the head and body
of the Neanderthal:
A human/Neanderthal mix could look similar to this.
I've often thought that Vikings fit the description well:
[pic they didn't know enough to stop smoking]
As tall as they are wide.
No discernible neck.
(only 180 degree vision)
Flat head
Barrel chest

I would like to think that like all family, they tend to congregate, whether they
realise that they're doing so. Much like birds fly south for the winter.
Where these modern Neanderthal mulados congregate they practice
their ancient polemic arts, pounding each other into the ground
and grunting vociferously.

I present to you Humanderthals:

Otherwise known as rugby players.

-Costick67 (8^P

Checkitout: from Nature
Neanderthals may have interbred with humans

Genetic data points to ancient liaisons between species.

Rex Dalton

An interspecies love child? Christoph P.E. Zollikofer

Archaic humans such as Neanderthals may be gone but they're not forgotten — at least not in the human genome. A genetic analysis of nearly 2,000 people from around the world indicates that such extinct species interbred with the ancestors of modern humans twice, leaving their genes within the DNA of people today.

The discovery, presented at the annual meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists in Albuquerque, New Mexico, on 17 April, adds important new details to the evolutionary history of the human species. And it may help explain the fate of the Neanderthals, who vanished from the fossil record about 30,000 years ago. "It means Neanderthals didn't completely disappear," says Jeffrey Long, a genetic anthropologist at the University of New Mexico, whose group conducted the analysis. There is a little bit of Neanderthal leftover in almost all humans, he says. [some more than others - Costick67]

The researchers arrived at that conclusion by studying genetic data from 1,983 individuals from 99 populations in Africa, Europe, Asia, Oceania and the Americas. Sarah Joyce, a doctoral student working with Long, analyzed 614 microsatellite positions, which are sections of the genome that can be used like fingerprints. She then created an evolutionary tree to explain the observed genetic variation in microsatellites. The best way to explain that variation was if there were two periods of interbreeding between humans and an archaic species, such as Homo neanderthalensis or H. heidelbergensis.

"This is not what we expected to find," says Long.

Using projected rates of genetic mutation and data from the fossil record, the researchers suggest that the interbreeding happened about 60,000 years ago [an early disco period- Costick67] in the eastern Mediterranean and, more recently, about 45,000 years ago in eastern Asia. Those two events happened after the first H. sapiens had migrated out of Africa, says Long. His group didn't find evidence of interbreeding in the genomes of the modern African people included in the study.

The researchers suggest that the population from the first interbreeding went on to migrate to Europe, Asia and North America. Then the second interbreeding with an archaic population in eastern Asia further altered the genetic makeup of people in Oceania.[New Zealand All-blacks- Costick67]

The talk at the anthropology meeting caught the attention of many researchers, some of whom have been trying to explain puzzling variations in the human genome. "They are onto something," says Noah Rosenberg, an anthropological geneticist at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, who heard the talk.

A test of the New Mexico team's proposals may come soon. Svante Pääbo and colleagues at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany, announced early last year that they had finished sequencing a first draft of the Neanderthal genome, and they are expected to publish their work in the near future. Pääbo's earlier studies on components of Neanderthal genomes largely ruled out interbreeding, but they were not based on more comprehensive analyses of the complete genome.

Linda Vigilant, an anthropologist at the Planck Institute, found Joyce's talk a convincing answer to "subtle deviations" noticed in genetic variation in the Pacific region.

[Jonah Lomu!- Costick67. see pic below]

"This information is really helpful," says Vigilant. "And it's cool."

The paleontological record also is producing fossils that complement such interbreeding theories. Pääbo's team and Russian colleagues recently reported the mitochondrial genome of an archaic human from the Altai Mountains — in southern Siberia near ancient Asian trade routes1.

The ancient mitochondrial DNA came from a piece of finger bone, which the groups haven't identified by species. It could be Neanderthal, a new Homo species or some other archaic form — like H. erectus, who spread to Oceania by 1.8 million years ago.

The Pääbo team reported that the bone was from an individual that lived 30,000–48,000 years ago in Denisova Cave, near where both modern humans and Neanderthals then dwelled. But the age of the bone has been questioned by researchers, who say the cave's sediments may have been reworked, making the bone's layer older.

At the anthropology meeting, Theodore Schurr, a molecular anthropologist at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, said the genetic model showing interbreeding raises questions about the range of species, like H. heidelbergensis. He noted that human skeletons found at Lake Mungo in New South Wales, Australia, have robust features, which may represent the result of interbreeding; they are dated to more than 20,000 years ago.

Keith Hunley, another member of the New Mexico group, said the team is now moving to publish its results in the near future.


1. Krause, J. et al. Nature doi:10.1038/nature08976 (2010).

Can you see the difference? I can't see any difference.
[pic - guardian- Dr. Paab, the leader of the research]

communist spy caused the financial crisis

The news story of the century. The American
Teabaggers are right, always! man!
The disaster that is the American economy is a communist plot.

[pic- teabaggers of a different sort]

I know you're thinking that Communism is dead.
That's largely true. Except in North Korea, Cuba and nominally in China.
It's a shame. They had a great hockey team.

and good tv as well.
So, Commies are dead , right?
You couldn't be more wrong.
When everybody thinks you're dead,
that's the best time to strike.

I'm talking about one of the deepest underground
Commie cells in the world.
You might know the public face of this cell.
You might know her by a different name.
Her real name is purported to be Alisa Zinouyevna.
She infiltrated the US intelligensia.
No, really. There is one, I swear.
Let me show you.

Hey, Teabaggers!
Communism was known for massive government, right?
Them and Barrack Hoosain Obama.
Anyway, the opposite of Communism is
a state with no government.
Well, she promoted the hatred of government, otherwise known as libertarianism.
She said "I am not primarily an advocate of capitalism, but of egoism; and I am not primarily an advocate of egoism, but of reason. If one recognizes the supremacy of reason and applies it consistently, all the rest follows"
And people ate it up.
What she didn't tell you is that
government basically is an institution which at the very least
is designed to keep one group of people from enslaving or killing another.
Without government, who's going to protect rich people's belongings?
Grab your gun, Hoss.
We're gonna steal us a jacuzzi. Yee-haw.

If there's no regulation, capitalism will eat itself.
If the bankers keep on swallowing up companies and countries,
capitalism will finally eat itself, and soon.
You see, by encouraging libertarianism, she's destroying capitalism.
Isn't she amazing?
You're saying 'does she have enough followers to cause this collapse?'

Her disciples, mainly the Teabaggers and Wall Street
and the Federal Reserve and the US federal government,
are all in awe of her.
Good luck, y'all.

Her theory was given a glorious name, Objectivism.
I'll tell you about that in a few words.
Objectivism is about one object only.
She wants lots of it.
She is a moolah whore.
That's Objectivism.

They say she's dead now, but it's a lie.
However, I have heard that every time a libertarian
mentions her name, a slight whiff of ghostly methane
wafts into the air.

a little story about Alisa's followers:

Matt Taibbi in the Guardian (
The investment bank's cult of self-interest is on trial against the whole idea of civilisation – the collective decision by all of us not to screw each other over even if we can

Taibbi: The Lunatics Who Made a Religion Out of Greed and Wrecked the Economy

The SEC's lawsuit against Goldman Sachs is a chance to prevent greed without limits.

April 26, 2010 |

So Goldman Sachs, the world's greatest and smuggest investment bank, has been sued for fraud by the American Securities and Exchange Commission. Legally, the case hangs on a technicality.

Morally, however, the Goldman Sachs case may turn into a final referendum on the greed-is-good ethos that conquered America sometime in the 80s – and in the years since has aped other horrifying American trends such as boybands and reality shows in spreading across the western world like a venereal disease.

When Britain and other countries were engulfed in the flood of defaults and derivative losses that emerged from the collapse of the American housing bubble two years ago, few people understood that the crash had its roots in the lunatic greed-centered objectivist religion, fostered back in the 50s and 60s by ponderous emigre novelist Ayn Rand.

While, outside of America, Russian-born Rand is probably best known for being the unfunniest person western civilisation has seen since maybe Goebbels or Jack the Ripper (63 out of 100 colobus monkeys recently forced to read Atlas Shrugged in a laboratory setting died of boredom-induced aneurysms), in America Rand is upheld as an intellectual giant of limitless wisdom. Here in the States, her ideas are roundly worshipped even by people who've never read her books or even heard of her. The rightwing "Tea Party" movement is just one example of an entire demographic that has been inspired to mass protest by Rand without even knowing it.

Last summer I wrote a brutally negative article about Goldman Sachs for Rolling Stone magazine (I called the bank a "great vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity") that unexpectedly sparked a heated national debate. On one side of the debate were people like me, who believed that Goldman is little better than a criminal enterprise that earns its billions by bilking the market, the government, and even its own clients in a bewildering variety of complex financial scams.

On the other side of the debate were the people who argued Goldman wasn't guilty of anything except being "too smart" and really, really good at making money. This side of the argument was based almost entirely on the Randian belief system, under which the leaders of Goldman Sachs appear not as the cheap swindlers they look like to me, but idealized heroes, the saviors of society.

In the Randian ethos, called objectivism, the only real morality is self-interest, and society is divided into groups who are efficiently self-interested (ie, the rich) and the "parasites" and "moochers" who wish to take their earnings through taxes, which are an unjust use of force in Randian politics. Rand believed government had virtually no natural role in society. She conceded that police were necessary, but was such a fervent believer in laissez-faire capitalism she refused to accept any need for economic regulation – which is a fancy way of saying we only need law enforcement for unsophisticated criminals.

Rand's fingerprints are all over the recent Goldman story. The case in question involves a hedge fund financier, John Paulson, who went to Goldman with the idea of a synthetic derivative package pegged to risky American mortgages, for use in betting against the mortgage market. Paulson would short the package, called Abacus, and Goldman would then sell the deal to suckers who would be told it was a good bet for a long investment. The SEC's contention is that Goldman committed a crime – a "failure to disclose" – when they failed to tell the suckers about the role played by the vulture betting against them on the other side of the deal.

Now, the instruments in question in this deal – collateralized debt obligations and credit default swaps – fall into the category of derivatives, which are virtually unregulated in the US thanks in large part to the effort of gremlinish former Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan, who as a young man was close to Rand [hand up skirt- Costick67] and remained a staunch Randian his whole life. In the late 90s, Greenspan lobbied hard for the passage of a law that came to be called the Commodity Futures Modernisation Act of 2000, a monster of a bill that among other things deregulated the sort of interest-rate swaps Goldman used in its now-infamous dealings with Greece.

Both the Paulson deal and the Greece deal were examples of Goldman making millions by bending over their own business partners. In the Paulson deal the suckers were European banks such as ABN-Amro and IKB, which were never told that the stuff Goldman was cheerfully selling to them was, in effect, designed to implode; in the Greece deal, Goldman hilariously used exotic swaps to help the country mask its financial problems, then turned right around and bet against the country by shorting Greece's debt.

Now here's the really weird thing. Confronted with the evidence of public outrage over these deals, the leaders of Goldman will often appear to be genuinely confused, scratching their heads and staring quizzically into the camera like they don't know what you're upset about. It's not an act. There have been a lot of greedy financiers and banks in history, but what makes Goldman stand out is its truly bizarre cultist/religious belief in the rightness of what it does.

The point was driven home in England last year, when Goldman's international adviser, sounding exactly like a character in Atlas Shrugged, told an audience at St Paul's Cathedral that "The injunction of Jesus to love others as ourselves is an endorsement of self-interest". A few weeks later, Goldman CEO Lloyd Blankfein told the Times that he was doing "God's work".

Even if he stands to make a buck at it, even your average used-car salesman won't sell some working father a car with wobbly brakes, then buy life insurance policies on that customer and his kids. But this is done almost as a matter of routine in the financial services industry, where the attitude after the inevitable pileup would be that that family was dumb for getting into the car in the first place. Caveat emptor, dude! [trader bastardo est- Costick67]

People have to understand this Randian mindset is now ingrained in the American character. You have to live here to see it. There's a hatred toward "moochers" and "parasites" – the Tea Party movement, which is mainly a bunch of pissed off suburban white people whining about minorities consuming social services, describes the battle as being between "water-carriers" and "water-drinkers". And regulation of any kind is deeply resisted, even after a disaster as sweeping as the 2008 crash.

This debate is going to be crystallised in the Goldman case. Much of America is going to reflexively insist that Goldman's only crime was being smarter and better at making money than IKB and ABN-Amro, and that the intrusive, meddling government (in the American narrative, always the bad guy!) should get off Goldman's Armani-clad back. Another side is going to argue that Goldman winning this case would be a rebuke to the whole idea of civilisation – which, after all, is really just a collective decision by all of us not to screw each other over even when we can. It's an important moment in the history of modern global capitalism: whether or not to move forward into a world of greed without limits.

----end of story
It's like she's hynotised them, or maybe she makes a nice V with her legs.
Oh, I know what it is, it's like a mother encouraging her sons to be greedy.
She reads them lullabies about how they'll rule the world and enslave the lazy.
Mata Hari is an amateur next to Alisa.
Comrade Code Name: Ayn Rand.
Ayn is short for Aynus, or Haynous.
Rand is short for Randy (horny- UK English). Get my drift?
It sure beats that Scrabble-winner of a name she had before.

I present you Alisa:

-Costick67 (8^P

don't mess wiff England, awright?


Every time I try to log on to see the wise words of Jon Stewart, the crazy Scotsman, I get the message above.
I was made to understand that Jon (and Steven Colbert) had said something nasty about some litigeous British guy, or someone just brought a foreign case here.
The UK welcomes libel tourism!
In these difficult times, the Sex Pistols would be saying: 'God save libel tourism'
If anyone is insulted in a show, Internet item, or even in 1 single newspaper
that's sold in the UK, UK libel laws make it easy for Richie to sue and win,
or even to threaten to sue, because everyone knows Richie will win.
This keeps the courts in wigs, robes and talcum powder.

Ok. So, Jon and Stephen said bad stuff. The law has no sense of humour, granted.
So, fine them and let the show go on.
Did they refuse to pay?
I don't think that justifies this censorship.
I wouldn't normally care for a tv show,
but without those two guys, we won't hear
any real news on the 'mainstream' media
other than Al Jazeera, that is, until the US bombs them.

Every other media source is bought and paid for, including the BBC.

-Costick67 (8^P
checkitout: BBC Law in Action. search for 'libel tourism'

if derivatives don't work, hedge their arses!

[dr- Economist]
I'm working on a theory that will explain what's going on in the international economic scene.
It's American economic warfare on the Euro.

Before the collapse, derivatives were 'authorised' by Wall Street by private assessors like Moody's and were sold around the world to help the US solve its main problem with globalisation: it has lost its manufacturing, and therefore its cash. It borrows money but it all goes to consumption of cheap Chinese goods. So, derivatives were fraudulent instruments designed to balance things a bit.

Of course, now EVERYBODY, even in Stupidstan, knows that American
derivatives are a flaming bag of fecal matter.

Although the JPs and Goldmans are still swallowing up American companies and small cities, thanks to derivatives and swaps, it's still not enough.

What are the economic wizards on Wall Street to do in order to get richer? Well, they can start by hedging that something will fail.
Of course they can't sell a derivative and hedge against its success, because that's fraud. Goldman Sachs is discovering that now, in court.
Goldman's investors are paying the price for this in lost income,
and suing the Golden boys.

Anyway, it seems that the Golden boys got their claws into Greece. Initially, the Greeks used them to hide their massive current account deficit (so they could get into the Euro*). However, when you make a
deal with the devil, the Horned One** always comes for the payoff

Now, the wizards did those swaps and then hedged against them, and won. So, Greece's debt is a hot potato. Nobody wants to give them money unless the interest rate is astronomical, and unless its insured, something which trades on the hedge market.
They're effectively screwed.

Everyone was making Greece into their own personal football, but I'll leave that for another time. The media reports using the word 'default' were rife even three months ago. This stinks of hedger-talk to me. They had taken out a position against Greece, and were scaring the markets. Meanwhile, the media was just reporting what any rich guy tells them.
That's why the Greeks called in the IMF. The hedgers have made it impossible for GR to get loans.
[UPDATE: the latest rumour is that Greece called in the default experts Lazard, even though Lazard and Greece say this is false.]

I thought initially that the only reason for this was in order to send Greece deeper into the lion's mouth (the US). You see, the hedgers are Americans, and the IMF is largely funded by the US, despite the fact that that country is essentially broke.
So, I thought it was a political move to bring Greece, America's favourite little cat toy***, back into its sphere of influence, and out of the warm embrace of the EU.
Actually, they don't play favourites. They'll screw anybody. Their embassies worldwide are the nexus of a tornado of political intrigue.

This is only half the story, so far. This debacle is unsettling the Euro, which is the dollar's main competitor. Now that the dollar is being chucked around like rice at a wedding, the US needs its competitor to suffer as well, otherwise the dollar will go into freefall.

This seems like a conspiracy, but I think that the US government's advisors are some of the same crafty bastards who made
banking a weapon of mass destruction.
It would not take much for the US government to help Wall Street and help itself at the same time. You remember how they took the best Nazi minds after WW2.

Also, why has there been no regulation of Wall Street in the 2 years since the collapse? Is it because the collapse was a controlled collapse, funded by the taxpayer
and that its work (destroying the Euro) is not yet done.
Maybe they're waiting for Spain, Portugal, Ireland and Italy to crash as well.
Economic warfare, you say?
Of course, their collapse will also speed up the US's collapse, but they'll cross that bridge when it presents itself.
UPDATE: Euro Central Bank smells the Shit&Piss of a Moody rat:
The ECB have saved Greek bonds from US speculators and debt-rating agencies.
BY THE WAY, these agencies are under investigation in the US for falsifying their analyses.

[TOP SECRET: Thanks to the investigations,
UK's (the only friend of America) TRIPLE AAA status
is going to be re-adjusted ....uhm... downward.
13% defecit this year (worse than Greece),
68% debt-to-GDP (worse than Spain and Portugal),
400% total debt-to-GDP(worst in the world)]
[UPDATE: UK is vulnerable]
-I just wrote the TOP SECRET message last night. Today it's been verified.

You see, the agencies are private companies and Goldman's, among others, were strong-arming them into approving their sh*t derivatives. i.e. 'NO TRIPLE AAA+, no money.':
It's too late now, anyway. Speculators are gonna feast on Italy, Spain and Portugal,
then the UK and US, and KABOOM!
If you had the chance to completely screw entire countries, wouldn't you do it?
In the name of capitalism?

Cheeky hedging, in the olden days:

-Costick67 (8^P

* The EU must be stupid. How did Greece go from basket case one day, to Euro entry the next?
** Conversely, the Horny Ones are in the SEC watching internet porn, instead of watching
Wall Street screw Middle America, anally.
*** Check the history of the 1967-74 junta and the invasion of Cyprus.

pre-eminent banker-bater, Matt Taibbi on Goldman Sachs:

-See what Schiff said in Oct 09 about the dollar falling out of favour:

Enjoy Max Keiser (a 'former' trader) April 2010:

hedging against the hedgers

We all know that Peter Schiff was right about the collapse that we've all seen.
Unfortunately, he seems to think that we're headed for a bigger crash because we refuse to let
bankers go bankrupt (they should be experts), or to clip the hedgers.
Anyway, I bring these clips to your attention without much comment, because he is speaking about a coming apocalypse that even I cannot fathom. For example:
Because of borrowing from other countries, and the printing of money, the American dollar is supposed to collapse, and that the imperialist wars will have to end.

[September 2009]

[January 2009- sound problems]

All I'm gonna say is that the US is going to destroy the whole planet before it
allows itself to collapse.
The news will be:
what are they going to do to try to save themselves from being
knocked back into the Dark Ages?
....and who's gonna pay the price for this? everyone else?
How about the Chinese? they've got most of the debt and the dollars. Look below:

-Costick67 (8^P

Monday 26 April 2010

being Stephen Hawking

Byline: SHHHhh! Don't look now, but there may be aliens.

If any of you has seen the film Being John Malkovich, maybe you have an idea as to what's happened to the otherwise brilliant Stephen Hawking, trapped as he is in a decrepit body. Some-one or some-alien has probably programmed Stephen's communication computer to say those usually career-killing words (see below) and the puppeteer/Martian is probably saying "my words are famous now."

Well, for a human with computer skills, it sure beats making malware
or committing cyber-theft.
Unfortunately, it's put the rest of us in the twilight land of
"Hawking, Hawking"
"hawking, hawking, hawking?"
#8^O = "AAAAAAahhhhh"

[copyright- Universal]

this is from Sky News:

Contacting Aliens 'A Bad Idea', Warns Hawking

In a new documentary for the Discovery Channel, the theoretical physicist warns against making contact with any extra-terrestrials.

Professor Hawking, who retired as the Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at the University of Cambridge last year, claims such space life would only abuse Earth's resources and move on.

"We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn't want to meet," he said.

"I imagine they might exist in massive ships, having used up all the resources from their home planet.

"Such advanced aliens would perhaps become nomads, looking to conquer and colonise whatever planets they can reach."

"If aliens visit us, the outcome would be much as when Columbus landed in America, which didn't turn out well for the Native Americans."

The documentary, which begins on May 9, explores the British scientist's vision of the universe.

While most aliens were in all probability simple organisms such as microbes, Professor Hawking said it would only take a few intelligent ones to spell disaster for humans.

"To my mathematical brain, the numbers alone make thinking about aliens perfectly rational," he explained.

"The real challenge is to work out what aliens might actually be like."


-Costick67 (8^P

Saturday 24 April 2010

what crisis? crisis is now normal. Problem solved

Okay folks.
It's team boxing night!
the goal of the game is for one side to knock out the other

You got two teams:

In the red corner:
the Workers , wearing shirts saying:
Too stupid to be capitalists.
Too polite to be terrorists.

In the green corner:
the Capitalists , wearing the shirts saying:
Goldman Sachs & Pillages.
We Bust a Cap in yo' Ass.

[copyright Mike Peters]

Here's the play-by-play, with our commentator, Biff.

"Hello everybody"
"Here we are at the Coliseum"
"Both sides are ready to go"

Round 1
"Oh, we start off with a stunning upper-cut.
The Caps have pushed for and received free capital transfer, globally.
They can take the Workers' money and stuff it in Thailand, or wherever.
The Workers are reeling already. This won't last long."

"The Workers come back with a feeble punch to the shoulder.
They're claiming that democracy and technology will always provide a better future.
It's as if somebody brained them.
I think the ref oughtta do a standing count."

"The Caps rap the Workers in the head with a series of blows.
The WTO and IMF have stepped in and asked for and gotten the repealing of the
anti-trust and derivative laws in the US.
That means it will happen all over the world, and the WTO/IMF will make sure of that."

"The Workers are bloody but they're still moving well.
Employment is still good, growth seems to be increasing, but it's only
personal debt that's actually growing.
They'll have to change their strategy soon."

"It seems that the Caps are hiding something in their gloves.
Yes indeed, they can, as always, send their profits to tax havens thus not paying taxes.
In fact, they can help their customers, who are already rich, do the same.
Deadly stuff for national economies.
But, it's globalisation time. The time of government is over.
I wonder how long it will take the Workers to figure this out.
They'll probably be the Slaves by then, I'm afraid."

"Round's over. Workers now have time to pick up their teeth, and gather their thoughts."

Round 2
"The Caps come out charging with both hands flailing.
American financial regulators allow derivatives and hedging to take off.
Britain follows suit believing that it will stimulate growth.
Pretty soon, workers won't know whether they're coming or going.
Nobody can make sense of derivatives, so fraud is rife!"

"What a shocker! The Caps have started to punch each other in the face.
The bloody contest may soon be over.
The financial house of cards has come crashing down as rich boys pummel each other.
A massive game of 'I don't trust that motherf%^&ker' is breaking loose.
They have stopped lending money to each other.
They have snatched defeat out of the hands of victory.
Let's see if the Workers can maneouvre around and score some points."

"Oh, I spoke to soon. The Caps are spitting in the direction of their opponents
and the Workers are simply falling over.
The Caps have blackmailed world governments. The banks are too big to fail, you see.
Regulation won't likely change because the Caps have lobbyists working on governments, softening them up."

"I wonder if the Worker's coach, Democracy, is going to save the day.
I've just been handed this note.
'Democracy has long since changed sides, but the Workers don't know it yet.'
Democrats need money to get elected and the only ones with money are the Caps.
Truth be told, the Workers have been been accusing Democracy of stinking of corruption, lately.
Now seems like a good time to say this as the Workers are on their last legs.

"Don't look now, but help is at hand.
The Caps receive a bailout and fresh bonuses.
Ben Bernanke and Gordon Brown, shrugging their shoulders,
take the heat for the Caps.
They're looking better than ever.
Invinceable, even.
Meanwhile, the banks are not giving out loans.
Workers are being thrown out onto the streets."
[copyright Matson, St. Louis Post-Dispatch]

"The Workers are getting up and making one last charge.
They're screaming and stomping, but the Caps have bullfighting rags.
Ole, once. Ole, twice.
This is a joke, ladies and gentlemen.
The Workers can't even score one punch.
They're losing jobs, houses, futures.
Education and re-training are also being cut back.
Health care is also on the ropes.
Pension money has disappeared.
What will they do?
When will they realise that most of what they hold dear has been an illusion?
Progress, democracy, freedoms, fairness, peace."

"The ref starts, 1...2...3...4...5...6...7..."

And that, folks, is how the Caps have almost knocked out the Workers, in two rounds,
or decades, if you will.
The couple that gave birth to the demon seed Caps is none other than
Reagan* and Thatcher.
Can you imagine them two on a porn site,, saying
"Oh ya, let's do in the whole planet." and
"I love it when you talk dirty."
At least she's still alive to drink from the
goblet of spit & misery.
I wonder what it feels like to know that you had a hand in ruining capitalism?
Actually, to hell with the theory.
She's indirectly ruined millions of livelihoods.

Theories don't starve to death.
They don't sleep in their cars, or on the street.
Theories don't scavenge in garbage cans.
They don't risk their lives in a leaky boat.

Costick67 (8^P

* there's ample proof that Reagan was a feeble puppet, so don't go pissing on his grave, or anything. Ironically, the somewhat undead Thatcher already had a statue made in her likeness, and it has already lost its head to a cricket bat, from some crazed democrat, I'm sure. Reagan said Maggie was the 'best man in England', with the devil up her quiff.

pics from
Matt Taibbi [how bankers are raping and pillaging American cities]
[Matt Taibbi, from]

Joseph Stiglitz [he names Reagan and Thatcher as the authors of our demise.]