Tuesday 24 May 2011

here's how your stack of cash disappears

it's pretty and it goes around, but doesn't really go anywhere.
a metaphor for the economy

bankers, well, most of them, frittered away your money
they lost everything
they ruined countries by forcing them to take on bank debts
they killed the credit market, yet keep playing high-risk games.

then, when they don't like what's "happening" in a country,
they just leave.
So, IMG is looking to leave Ireland. (see the video below)
And this is a country with next to no business taxes.

Now, Ireland'll have no income tax from the employees who will lose their jobs.
Well, that's why so many of the Irish are gonna follow those banks.
They're having 'wakes' for the soon-to-be departed,
just like during the potato famine.
They won't be back, because it's illegal to default on a loan, in Ireland.
so underwater homeowners are splitting town!

I can now see this banksta thing is a bunch of juvenile medium-term
fraudulent moves. BUTT, nobody's stopping them.
SO, the only solution,
in order for the Euro group not to all go bankrupt,
is to print money,
just like the US
So, savers will be penalised because their savings will turn to dust.
through inflation!

Thank you, and good night.

Oh, if you're massively in debt, but still rolling along, your winning, big time.

this is the video with one of the Rothschild guys:
Ya, that family
the secretive banker family. owned the Bank of England!
He's a retired banker (Du-uh)
and the Queen's grand vizier (really!)
and leader of the Corporation of the City of London
the Tax Haven right in the heart of Europe.
that says it all.
And he actually agreed to be seen.
I'm amazed.

-Costick67 ~(8^P
* BTW, the way the Rothschilds stole the Bank of England out from under the nose of the King makes Goldman Sachs look like paperboys. Look it up.