Monday 24 November 2008

Beating around the Bushes'

I foresee the growth of a new disingenous movement of back-handed compliments for the exiting (You're still here!) executive leader of the US.
According to David Evans in the 4 Nov 08 Guardian, "let's hope he's remembered as the man that paved the way for the United States' first black president." His greasy wax mug will sit in Tussaud's next to other politicians who've reached across the racial divide, like South Africa's de Klerk and Venezuela's Chavez.
Bush's undying efforts to solve the problems of the environment such as greenhouse gases, waste of resources and social ills such as consumerism and consumer debt have been solved by his complete destruction of international trade and debt financing. Companies cannot get loans, so their factories are closing, making Kyoto achievable.
Even though prices of liquid carbon fuels have returned to below-normal levels, the stuff cannot be delivered because of 4-score Somali pirates on the Horn of Africa. International mistrust is at such a high, no Western country wants to take the blame for another international fiasco like Iraq or Afghanistan, so the oil barons have to fend for themselves. Perhaps Blackwater would like to give the Indian Ocean a try. See? Bush is promoting private initiative and job creation again! Brilliant. Crazy like a fox.
By saddling the US with a 12 trillion dollar deficit he has emasculated the US as a world power and put it in hock to its biggest importers of goods, China, Japan and the Middle East oily kings.
I can forsee a solution to the political troubles in the Levant, like, real soon, or else the plug will be pulled and the Pentagon and Homeland Security will be sh**ting in the dark.
Now, if only more people would lose their homes because of the nationalised banks' refusal to make loans, then there will be less electricity and gas consumed. People will go back to the wild, eating roots and wading for fish. Bush will have taken some of us back to the wild idyll of the Iron Age. Imagine the documentaries. History does indeed repeat itself.
Bush for President of the world! Totally.